Sonko ameshindwa kazi

Wadau wale tulipatia huyu fala kiti tukidhani eti ye in boyz wa mtaani kuna venye atasort story za Nai na za ma youthman bila ngori sai mnajiskia kama Mimi? Huyu msee works imemkataa. Nai amepata kujua iko na wenyewe. Cartels ziko pale hata Uhuruto hawawezi toboa. Sonko imebaki ameanza kutambua kunyang’anya watu nyama si kazi rahisi. Shida take in kulialia kama ule dame nilimanga haga 2011. Nitaenda kuchambua katiba nione kama naweza anzisha mchakato ya kumrecall/kumchuja. Punda amechoka.

And now, a random image[ATTACH=full]170336[/ATTACH]

Meanwhile Sonko’s incompetence can’t and won’t prevent us from fucking, will it? We will fuck in the potholes, in the sewer lines, in the uncollected garbage, in Muriuki’s press conference, in the hawker-ladden streets and everywhere else because our dicks and pussies don’t care about the stinking city; we still have needs.

Sonko has comprehensively failed

sasa thaara ni ya nini ama imekukumbusha mahali uliacha u-bikra wako?

ata niliona hana heshima kwa wakuu

Aren’t poeple ashamed of themselves when they claim in public to have voted for Sonko ?

I wonder too!

Relaxini pia, huyu mse hajakaa hata mwaka moja kwa ofisi na mshaanza kidomo

I don’t think Sonko was voted in because he was the best. Nairobians voted AGAINST Kidero. Yaani, heri nyani angetawala Nairobi lakini Kidero aende kwanza.

we were voting kidero out , miguna was the best option but tukapea sonko coz he was the only one with popularity ya kumtoa

Sonko has failed this city

Some one convince me he was not high here? he even has sun glasses on

Why were they trying to skip him? Hao ndio hawampatii heshima yake. It’s just 6 months after the electioneering ended na watu wanapayuka Sonko ameshindwa kazi. Si tungoje 2021 tumpatie score card.

Wacha apewe pressure mapema. He ought to realize that we are keeping a tab.

People dishing out pass/fail certificate. Will be a long 4 years.

The first lady was embarassed for the rest of us…

I will never again write anything complaining about Sonko, it’s not worth it.
Wacha tu nivumilie miaka tano iishe.

Shida ni uraibu wa mihadarati, ukiambiwa unaweza nyonga simba kwa mikono yako bila silaha yeyote unaamini. Chochote alichoambiwa Sonko aliamini, sasa anatambua ugavana sio lele mama. Atachagua ang’atuke ama apore mali ya umma katika mda uliobakia sababu hachaguliwi tena.

He must have been high.

that’s why Nairobi is not in my wishlist of places I’d like own a home. Hata mchague nani uko…same bs itafanyika tu

Even his campaigns looked underfunded, Kidero is very crafty.