- Kuma ya @Purple is wider than the mississippi …seeps some dirty stuff that gels into marine vessel grease on her panties’ seams between her legs
Peana mkia basi. Punda
Kuna mtu hapa anahitaji brain transplant na sidhani medicine imefika hapo. Tukusaidie aje @SledgeHammer ?
@Purple piga hii alshabab msitari awache kukuzoea
Lambeni lolo
Testicular Cancer in the brain ndio naona hapa.
@SledgeHammer manze jo mbona unakuanga weird hivyo?
I know right? :D:D:D:D
I hate you more every dawn. I think you and Screwplus should just lamba each others lolo :D:D
But I love how uniquely weird you are…its funny:D
wewe ni coomer sana. lamba lolo. Punda
Nunua tissue kwanza:D:D