Energy levels are down.
People are experiencing mysterious ailments Communication networks are badly affected.
(here’s a GIANT cloud of interstellar dust currently traveling around our galaxy blocking out the light of stars
Scientists estimate it to be about the size of our ENTIRE solar system)
The dark side ofvthe moon is the other side of the mone that we don’t see, and it has remained a mystery, with lots of speculations, but here we are being shown about the galaxies.
The Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate as it orbits the Earth, a phenomenon known as synchronous rotation. The moon synchronous rotation is what causes us to only see one side of the moon.
Btwn you should gaze upwards this month chairman and try and find the almost perfectly alighted strars aka Mercury, Venus, Saturn are visible right now and I think so will Mars and Jupiter at a later date. I already spotted the three.
Hukuskia pale US Congress wakisema the aliens are actually in our oceans? Growing up tuliskia tales za sijui majini zenye zinaishi kwa oceans na ata kulikua na sijui Nyawawa pale Luo land. Ile siku yenye the truth will come out, I expect a sizeable part of population to die just from fright.
Yeah. Apparently the little grays “aliens” live or rather operate bases deep in our oceans and their arrivals could probably predate modern day humans. Which makes a lot of sense if you think about it. I mean 75% of Earth is ocean, and we’ve only explored 5% of that. 70% of earth is unexplored or unknown. If you were an highly intelligent and superior humanoid species looking for somewhere to set shop on planet earth and didn’t want to interact or be noticed by with the preexisting, seemingly primitive species of humanoid. Then its not genius and it would only make perfect sense to occupy and set shop on the biggest unoccupied space available and better yet, one that is beyond the primitive species reach.
We think we own earth but we don’t. We only occupy a tiny fraction of it … yet we think we the shyte. Its not a confidence they started showing up after we started experimenting with nukes. It was fucking up their world and I guess they didn’t like it. Yeah, alot of people will go into shock to learn we are not alone on earth never-mind in the universe. Humans over estimated their importance by a long stretch…
True, but intellectually/ scientifically speaking; multi universe theory, like all other theories should nevertheless still be approached as one among many set-of probable hypothetical possibilities that may exist out there as alternate realities beyond our current understanding of the universe and what we consider and accept to be our reality.
Personally, I’m beyond convinced that there exist intelligent life in whatever form, humanoid or otherwise on other star systems, galaxies or universe’s. Depending on whichever laws of the universe, they follow in their world,they could have developed in whatever way that best suits them to adapt to their environment and may not necessarily be humanoid in nature but biologically intelligent nonetheless.
It’s highly unlikely, infact I could go as far as argue that; it’s technically improbable that we exist as the only intelligent biological being in the entire universe or universe’s. I would be very afraid if that were the case but lucky all evidences indicate otherwise. Including physical evidence like the ancient pyramids of Africa and those found spread across, Mexico , South America and elsewhere including “hidden pyramids” found beyond the ice walls of the Antarctica. A no go zone region not even for independently funded researchers. Leading to speculations of hidden ‘alien’ bases and or human- alien research stations sites.
The technological leap experienced by humanity over over the past century as been for less of a better word astronomical beyond what would be considered human normal evolution. Our technological advancement has been too rapid it beats any scientific or otherwise explanation of human evolution and development compared to past human advances that took thousands of years. What we have achieved in human technological advancement in the last 100 yrs should theoretically not be possible to achieve in such a short time. We must have had help from a more technologally advanced entity to be able to achieve what we have achieved.
Disclaimer; this is for entertainment purposes only and should not be constructed as facts.