Huyu ananikimbusha president wa Nigeria, swali inampiga chenga, kidogo anahitaji translator, kidogo amejibu in a very crass way wasee wake wa PR wanajua tu kazi imeongezeka.
The thread starter seems to imply that there’s a 100% correlation between fluent understanding of English and quality research. That because magufuli has a poor command of English, then his PhD chemistry is also questionable?
There’s way too many Chinese, German, Japanese etc researchers out there with worst English and this nigga has never complained!
Grop every nook, granny, and crack of YouTube and fetch us more videos of Chinese and others with poor English and PhD. Moreover, nullify their qualifications because they corrupt our highly respected queen language.
This is just another proof of the low iq and/or brainwashing that is pervasive in Africa and mostly in Kenya.
I was refering to his ability to understand a simple question, for a PhD holder, not his fluency in English.
Then again a Chemistry undergraduate degree, let alone Masters degree could not have been delivered in Swahili at the time Magufuli was in University. No material was available then In Swahili. Same for masters level and Doctorate. Think about it for a second. From Undergrad to PhD, one would expect him to be more fluent and articulate than this. And don’t go calling low IQ on people when this is the best argument you can make after employing 100% of your thinking capabilities
He went to UDSM. Instructions are primarily in English. Then again, my reference is not his Fluency in English. Its his ability to understand a simple question from the Journalist. M7 was a teacher, but he is the one breaking down the question for him