Somebody Change My Life Ooh!

They say it’s never until you get tired of something that you truly let it go. I am so so tired of poverty and squalor; the indignity and sorrow. I dare ask somebody to change my life this Friday morning. I am poor and tattered despite my best efforts to stay afloat. The many years of hardwork to change my life have left me a desolate robot in acceptance that maybe this is it – I will be poor all my life. I no longer have a sense of shame coz life has stripped it all and left me bare naked. 1 year now without a change of clothes or shower. I just don’t see the need anymore.

Ever since I was a child, they’ve told me about God but He has ignored me all my life. My confidence that He exists is unshaken even though He has hurt me real bad. Whatever I did to Him… I have been through so so much I no longer feel anything.

I happened by chance to record a stupid song sometime back in Uganda while smoking weed with a friend in some rural town. The sound quality is bad and no mastering was done coz it was a rushed thing by two potheads with a small bribe for the kind producer in a tiny backroom studio. My very first time in the studio and I am not proud of it. I will upload it nevertheless once I am allowed to by the admin. My request this morning is that somebody, anybody give me a chance to touch the mic again. I believe I can do it. Trust me. Sponsor my 5 track mixtape to set me off. Man to man, bail out a bro.

Never give up. Amka walkin to every studio and request for sponsorship utapata moja

There are rich people like @uwesmake here who can help but they are assholes… Talk to @Purple akuwe manager wako

Studio mob zina utiaji sana. They cannot listen to you kama hauna their fee

Hehe. That guy gets hammered every other time

We feel hurt by God because we are always telling Him what to do for us, and when He doesn’t we sulk. But have you ever asked Him what He wants with you? He created you, take the time and ask Him about His purpose for your life, and you will see an unbelievable transformation in your circumstances. God never leaves people, it is us who walk out of His plans and purposes for our lives.

Bora tu isiwe gengetone chieth.

@Touchlyrics , Forester patia kijana chance

From experience, first recording is likely not to earn you anything. Actually, you will spend more trying to push it to studios and have DJs play your music. The established artists always have an upper hand over the newbies. Don’t put all your hopes on those tracks.
If possible, find something else to do, a small business that has potential to grows steadily or employment. Let music run on the sides.

Stop abusing your body and your mind. Your problem is not God.

Here’s the track for anyone wondering

If I were to open up to you my story is stranger than fiction. I feel this is what God wants me to do because He has frustrated all my other efforts. Where can I upload the song? Somebody kindly guide me. It’s a 5mb file which seems beyond the limit of what I can attach here.

Very wise words. I am trying to start something on the side

Kindly. Where can I upload?

Weed is the only thing that has kept me from killing myself all these years. The only consolation I’ve had.

Drugs will destroy your life despite whatever praises some people will sing to the glories of so called weed. That is the thing messing with your thoughts and emotions. It’s a chemical that’s poisoning your mind and telling you things that aren’t there. Trust me, I’ve never taken it, but I’ve seen many promising lives destroyed by weed.

Weed destroys no one. It’s people who ruin people. Politicians and the thick cream of corruption that blocks every genuine intention in this stupid country! We all need a way to cope. I have never raped anybody’s fowl or animal or daughter. I never take what is not mine. I puff and meditate peacefully coz nothing else works.

Gengetone is music for kids who think life is a bubblegum. I talk about real issues. Mature stuff

Magic enga anatafuta talented artist… try and rich out if you have what it takes…
As we speak how do you earn your keep?
And what do you mean hauja oga mwaka mzima…

Open a you tube channel ama upload your staff to soundcloud ama insta …this generation fanyia vitu online U can be lucky and be spotted.

Put your stuff on YouTube. Ktalk will not get you anywhere.