@Kahuni Maisha usijipee stress na mali ya wadosi. Hata hio mafuta iko na wenyewe. Lakini sidhani wataenda far sana. Yaani mali ya nchi inakuwa family owned, private property.
[SIZE=6]Charles Field Marsham [/SIZE]- Biwott’s son in law. Born in 1968. He received Kenya Flourspar Company from his father in law in the year 1997 as a gift. Flourspar is mined in Kimwarer. It is firmly controlled by this family. The flourine ends up in your colgate toothpaste. Basically fluorite is used in numerous industries. This is a billion dollar mineral.
[SIZE=6]Natasha Marsham[/SIZE] - Biwott’s granddaughter. Next in line. I wonder how many Kenyan children can afford to go to the schools that Natasha has attended.
Despite the heavy criticism of the British colonial govt, they had better plans for Kenya than the Kenyans themselves. I’m not saying they were good people but they had planned the economy better while considering Wanjiku.
For instance the British plan was to do what you have described i.e build the industries locally. Jomo Kenyatta inherited a planned economy and all he had to do was implement… the guy instead chose to loot Kenya.
The British had even left plans of how to end pastoralism in Kenya in phases such that you bring in the nomads into the Kenyan economy. It involved irrigation, greening vast parts of Northern Kenya, involving the local communities in mining … hizo master plan zote zimeozea huko state house. Zilikuliwa na mchwa. You look at Limestone cement , the amount of cement sold in Kenya yet the locals who own the land from where Limestone comes from, are poor as fuak.
I wonder also, where did we lose it in all other fields, education, health, architecture , civil engineering etc etc.
MIT was founded on European engineering, so were our Technical schools including University of Nairobi. Then you ask, what went wrong with U.o.N, why didn’t it evolve towards European standards ?
Our technical institutions have retrogressive in unprecedented manner. The colonialist , left us a working health system that comprised of National referrals hospitals, Provincial and District Hospitals, then we had Dispensaries at the division, location and Sub-Location level. All that was flushed down the drain.
Biwott married a white woman hoping to produce some beautiful mixed race kids. But unfortunately the nature pulled a fast one on him and now he will always look like the only foreigner in a family photo. Mzungu genes won and Biwott will be nothing but a forgettable ancestor in that lineage.
Bonobo is a primary producer of raw materials, no value addition. In Liberia they import second hand tyres mad from rubber the bonobo tapped. As Ali Mazuri said, “What is waste to the west…”
I can bet they don’t want and will never identify as Blacks.
No one wants to identify as Black unless there is something to benefit from it. Your example, Mariah Carey, identified as Black to propel her music career. Plus they don’t have much choices in the US because of the one drop rule.
Those people love their heritage Obama angekuwa anaenjoy maisha pale Hawaii without a care of his paternal relatives in bonoboland but he visited them a number of times.
:D:D:DThose are single mothers’ kids who get manipulated by their Kikuyu mothers. However, when they grow up to be the real alpha nilotic breed, they always go after their father’s identity. Ata Obama came back to look for his father bila kutafutwa