Some Beautiful Photos From America. They Never Disappoint. Keep The Fire Burning!



Tombaaaa amurika Russia tuko ngangari.

America was until they legalized fvcking each other in the anus

Kwani jana kuliendaje? I expected more.

(Niliona Chad Lodder siku hizi anabebwa na Mercedes S class back left… activism pays really well. )



Know Justice, Know Peace.


Ndio hawa BLM calling people niggers.


I like that kids bravery and standing up against upuzi… if it were not for 17 year olds like him with guns America would have not seen independence

A 17 year old cannot be let into a bar but can legally own at AR. Does that sound normal?.

With all the money that country spends on police, military you would think they have law enforcement figured out.

Protesting is within the law btw.

Don’t understand why the jury took more than 5 minutes ! the vid is pretty staight forward ! anybody stupid enough to run at a guy with an AR deserves what they got !

Love or hate it, America will always be the land of dreams.

And burning people’s businesses and looting is within the law too?

I didn’t say burning and looting.

Well those killed were burning and looting. They also had long history of crime so good riddance

I love it when hypocritical US is on FIRE!

We don’t want America to burn