Somalis/Somalians Happiest in East Africa WTF!!!

For the akanyal brigade, here’s the story…

NEW YORK, Thursday

Somalis are happier than Kenyans, in spite of having endured war for more than two decades, a new report shows.

Ranked at 76 globally in the 2015 World Happiness Report released by the United Nations on Thursday, Somalia is the happiest country in the region, followed by Kenya at 122.

However, the report also includes Somaliland territory, which is ranked at 97 out of the 157 countries.

The study becomes more interesting because, at 143, East African Community’s latest entrant South Sudan outperformed Tanzania (149), Rwanda (152) and Burundi (157).

However, the rankings tell half the story. Although Kenya has gained 4.3 points since the last report, Kenyans are generally unhappy about the country’s gross domestic product, perception of corruption, low freedom in making life choices, low social support, healthy life expectancy and lack of generosity.

The country’s biggest score on the chart may have come from what researchers called ‘residual’ happiness.

The report, which compiled these factors between 2013 and 2015, may have come at a time when Kenyans were living with corruption scandals, Al-Shabaab attacks, allegations of tribalism, poverty and fatal road accidents, all which are assessed to determine average happiness.


Somalis, on the other hand, may be living with a daily bombardment by the Al-Shabaab, but those people have retained more happiness about their country.

The report does not assess Somalis’ happiness about GDP, which is fettered by war anyway.

And though they have little to say about their health and life expectancy, researchers found that their sense of generosity, social support and imagined happiness and residual liking makes them happier than any other country in the East African region.

Burundi is the least happy country in the world, followed by war-ravaged Syria and Togo.

Afghanistan and six other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa — Benin, Rwanda, Guinea, Liberia, Tanzania and Madagascar — are also among the least happy.

The report compared data from 2005 to 2015 showing that Greece, which suffered enormously from the global recession and now faces a crippling migrant crisis, had the highest drop in happiness. It seeks to quantify happiness as a means of making societies healthier and more efficient.

The UN published the first such study in 2012.


As with last year, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden round out the top 10, making small or medium-sized countries in Western Europe seven of the top 10 happiest countries.

Denmark, which was ranked first in the 2012 and 2013 reports but lost that honour to Switzerland in last year’s, reclaimed its title.

The United States, where sharp polarisation has been exposed in the 2016 presidential election campaign, out-ranked several Western European countries to be 13th, up two spots from last year. Germany was 16th, Britain 23rd and France 32nd in the happiness ranking.

China, the world’s most populous country, was ranked 83rd and India, the world’s largest democracy, came in at 118 while a string of Middle Eastern kingdoms — Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain — out-ranked Italy, which came in at number 50, and Japan (53).

The authors said “six factors — GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom, generosity and absence of corruption …blah blah. .


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hata ombitho alikuwa hapa wiki jana…


Ignorance is bliss. Probably they are happy coz they do not have a free media or free access to social media so information trickles in scarcely. They don’t know the ills bedeviling their god forsaken country and probably they don’t wonna know.
So they are ‘happy’ to be in their own enclosed ignorant clan based cocoons.
Somalia will always remain the cesspool of Africa.


sasa juu wasomali hawawezi funga mdomo mtu anadhani wanasmile?


Useless propaganda


They are happier than the rest of us because they are busy killing and threatening the lives of other people in East African

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possible explanations
1)Somalis don’t pay taxes and majority of them are contented with owning just a few heads of camels and goats, Their daily routine is very cavemanish waking up in the morning drink camel milk graze the camels move tent pitch it somewhere as long as its clan land, marry many wifes force them to be submissive by using religion, You have the backing of your whole clan .Who wouldn’t be happy with such a life ? no worries about advancing education,driving a range, bigger house ,look for a better job, nagging wife, promiscuous husband, dumb kids, high tax but no returns…

2)The survey was carried out by a company which I assume 99.9% of its employees are white. Now imagine this, a white man moving around Somalia and asking 3000 random people questions, bear in mind that kidnapping of white people is a very lucrative business, obviously no one in his right mind would do that. My guess is the surveyor sat down in a cosy hotel in Nairobi and filled the questionnaires himself.


Not surprising. Kenyans’ national pastime is bitching. We are unhappy by choice.

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Those skinnies must be nuts if they think popping each other off with AK47’s, grenades and IED’s is something to be happy about.

I remember someone who would thrash the kids and then order them to laugh and be happy… bangi ni mbaya!

You. are. not. well!


It seems we don’t know what happiness is. My travel around Africa has taken me to places nikaona watu whom i felt pity for. Interestingly, they were the happiest and warmest lot i have ever encountered. One time in Western Uganda, i happened to meet the poor of the poor. People ravaged by war. However, their welcoming attitude and general outlook to life really challenged my own perspective about life and happiness in general. This was a place where the barmaid would leave you inside her bar akienda kulala na saa hio anakuambia kunywa ile unataka ukitosheka uwache pesa kwa counter. Infact their bar counters hazikuwa na grills kama hapa kenya.

Very true…

should have gone there when my eyes still had the sheen and shone day and night…



yes somalilanders are happy waay more happier than kenyans. been to hargeysa, berbera and you cant help falling in love with the two cities shida tu is that berbera gets extremely hot in may hadi wamama wanahama. hargeysa has pokos wengi ethiopians. I have a friend heading a program ya INGO huko and he calls hargeysa home.

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…co-ordinates tafasali


chunga isiwe the new eritrea…

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Very well and fully functional! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D