Stopped listening at blead.
Men keep yourself in shape usiwe na oestrogens kaa This fat fucker. Always in a rage insulting everyone even nabii lakini mbona he hasn’t been disappeared… Could be a government mole to control the narrative vile wasee husema X
This guy makes sense lakini mtamtukana tu. Negroes hate negroes who tell them the truth. They don’t wanna hear it. Low IQ / Skill issue.
Its not low IQ, its powerlessness to do anything about it
interesting observation about CBD nightlife though bado kuna nice bars…kina scratch etc i think he has a point about the alcoblow thing killing CBD nightlife…though now with uber that is also coming to an end
It’s sad that Somalia is a failed country but they are the ones calling the shots in our country!
Are they though they will attempt to do so doesn’t mean they will succeed.
They are succeeding as we speak
This conspiracy is farfetched. Like ati Somalis got the alcoblo ndio watake over clubs in CBD. Like really nicca? Naelewa hampendi warges lakini temeni taxin before utoe such statements
Somalis are able to unite and pursue community interests much much better then nywele ngumuz.
They can also plan for 10 - 25 years out and create multigenerational business plans.
Why not do it in their country?
That part is bs but if you ignore the nonsensical parts you’ll realize there is some truth
Because Nairobi is a better place to do business then Somalia since the 90s
So if they are so good why not make Mogadishu the place to do business you overate this people Alot.
Upuss ati multi what? Kama gani hiyo. I rank wasapere mbali sana juu you can see their enterprises all over, big world class brands too kaa ikwiti, britam etc
Hii ya walalo ndio nangoja kuona
Ni kama parasites lazima ikuwe na host, ndio mana US and Europe were the law haitaki mchezo Somalis are the bottom of the barrel hata among African migrants