Solution to "planteshen" and suicide prevention.

When the plantation no longer works and reality sets in that this wasn’t meant to be a happily ever after take this advice @Yuletapeli and thank me later.

On another note Men should learn to be selfish and relentless on self-interest like women are. Loving ideally is something that will cost you.


Hehe… suppose it fails siwezi mind. I just appreciate the role she’s played in my life and find another. Again if it fails I appreciate her role and find another… What’s there to be afraid of…?
I’m not the clingy type.
Hata mali nampatia ya kumsukuma kimaisha.

The only woman who “left” nikateseka moyoni saidi ni my mum. I was fifteen.

I cannot be selfish mbona nitese my family? They mean a lot.

Well you must have plenty of resources to pass around.

Nimetafuta kwa bidii kama mkikuyu…I realised hata sizitumii and they contribute very little towards my happiness…Nyingi zinajenga tu watu na pia ni stress to maintain. At times huwa nadai tu peace of mind… Something I have managed to achieve.

It’s only right to embrace the ambiance that comes about with peace of mind. You are wise if you’ve realised hedonism and endless pursuit of materials doesn’t bring about fulfillment.
But you do agree any woman that costs you peace of mind regardless of her position in your life is not worth the price don’t you?

Never allow anyone to make your life difficult. Every relationship is supposed to make your life better. If it’s not serving that purpose… unajiondoa kiroho safi. Hata ubeste…
Relationship ni ya kusaidiana.

This is what men should be enlightened about out there. A man having a woman with a personality disorder such as bipolar will be manipulated to the point he can’t walk out hence resorting to alcohol to numb himself.

Worse off if the man has a dependent personality his path is an early death.

Hehe so MGTOW is a thing that was embraced by our forefathers yet hopeless romantics like @Azor Ahai and @Yuletapeli advocate for marriage. By the way, married men lead when it comes to suicide rates and depression yet some people still get the energy to advocate for it. Yote tisa MGTOW=FREEDOM

Our forefathers advocated polygamy and this prevented the manipulation and drama that comes about with having one wife by your side always.

They would have their separate house from their wives for their peace of mind and it worked perfectly fast forward to the monogamous relationships of today and it’s a disaster.

Mgtow or planteshen, is a choice. Whichever works for you braza:D
Joining mgtow because a woman broke your heart is a cowardly act. Getting married because others are getting married is stupidity…
Chaguo ni lako…But kodiaga tafuta msupa. Your ex was the problem and not you:D

MGTOW reminds of guys who are afraid of buying cars and building ghorofas because their friends/family died in a road accident ama walianguka kwa stairs:D

Of course yes marriage is no scam, monogamy is…lakini I have looked at both situations monogamy benefits women and children mostly while polygamy only benefits the man mostly

No she was a good girl Let’s just say I started getting too much information and that made me analyze my ways of life. Yaani you open your third eye and see the world from a different perspective.

… Avoid over consumption of online materials. Hii kesi yako we shall revisit.

And especially online materials from self help gurus who proclaim to be “Alpha males” in order to sell their courses and books.

Kwanza siku hizi hii ndio ugonjwa ya kila dem hapa Nairobi. Yaani unaongea na msichana kidogo anaanza kutaja upuzi ya mental health. Si dem kama huyu anaezakukuuma mjulus ikatike aiteme hapo kando akikupea blowjob then blame it on her silly mental health

They are profit oriented. For example a book like the rational male. Hii book @Azor Ahai tufanyie analysis tafasali…

Hehe mimi nkianza kuona psycho traits ni karura mbio mbio doesn’t matter if it was the first date a lot of these women are mentally sick and haven’t been diagnosed professionally yet.

A woman with a personality disorder or Dark Triad will drain you emotionally, financially, mentally and suck your life force out of you to the point you’ll have no purpose in life.

Next thing before you know you are a nihilist and you seek drugs to numb yourself after that comes the treacherous suicide.

Personally I can’t fully dismiss rational male it acts as an introduction to the red pill philosophy which is essential for men who are blind to the ways of women.

The only person who I respect in the manosphere is the Illimitable men he goes further and beyond the self-help chieth.

The rational male promotes prostitution…
According to the author sex is the ultimate goal.