Am asking kama kuna full time trader kwa kijiji . Am planning to go full time trader muhindi ameleta kichwa. Na Niko na 500 USD iko idle somewhere.
I want to specialize in day trading. Kwanza forex trading naskia ime weza. Someone help me kwa kuchagua best social trading sites.
@Alchemist come kiasi…
500 USD ni kiasi, shikilia tu job till you raise more. Then trading is a skill you need to be good at, ukiingia tu hivi capital yako itakuwa maji
Uko na any tip. I do have an account pale TRADEO but its not real. Ni kujifunza mdogo mdogo
very long time ago, I traded. traded, traded, traded, did maths to trade, drew graphs, used my $$. nikawacha tu. the pain was too much.
this kind of trade where you leverage a lot you will have everything taken away. Your agent doesnt even place the money into the real market. he gives you a virtual leverage right on his computer (he doesnt even have that kind of money to lend you). a slight flicker in the bear direction while you have bought into the bull market produces huge losses compared to your REAL RESERVE. therefore the agent closes you out of the “market” and takes your real money. Even if the general direction of the market is in your favor, slight corrections will have your money taken away. solution is to never leverage at all. You will never lose everything and that will make you little money. if you want to make more money in currency you have to invest millions and millions, which you ofcourse cant do in an anonymous online platform. The “agent” is always sure he can only attract people with little money, which he will ofcourse snatch through virtual leverage. over the counter trading is some kind of borderline stealing thats why its banned in some countries because of its deleterious effects on low income earners.
Hotforex is a good broker and $500 is okay. Go for it.
IC market has one of the lowest spreads…
FX trading requires a lot of experience
I saw my cousin-in-law make a cool 28K in 40 min on that HotForex thingmajigs with her face dug in her iphone…akawithdraw to mpesa on the spot!
Personally, I fear such quick money schemes…I’d rather nisweat yangu yote
Usitoke Kwa Muhindi Kwanza.Open A Cent Account With $500.Na Uwachane Na Social Trading Kabisa And Learn To Trade
@Randy thanks for the call to service. @Wechez don’t quit your job with only $500 as capital. Instead find time to trade while maintaining your job. If you grow capital to $5000 then you can have a simple but comfortable life from your profits. Quit once you are above $20,000 and making regular profits. Also never overleverage.
What you saw as quick money might have taken some serious preparation. I know that coz my friends get amazed at how fast the money comes in, not knowing how I patiently wait for price to get to my zones.
Asanteni kwa mawaitha
The margins in forex are too thin to make it worthwhile. That market is almost efficient. My two cents
Over 90% of forex traders lose money. The market is just too efficient. The juice is not worth the squeeze. Anyone who makes a living from trading forex without reducing his bankroll is a seasoned trader and deserves respect. The margins are razor thin. Only the best of the best earn a living there. I prefer trading derivatives instead.
You can trade forex without leverage, but with big investments and be willing to wait over a long time for real changes. Si kushinda hapo ukitafuta pesa ya chakula. The emotional turmoil will lead to huge losses.
What kind of derivatives, if I may ask?
Hope these are not those toxic derivative securities and collateralized debt obligations that caused the Global Financial Crisis in 2008?
Be warned that regulators are keeping these “weapons of mass destruction” on a very tight leash.
Hedge accordingly.