So the Chinese remodelled State House and Some lady from Kisii supplied the Curtains


The curtains were supplied by an Italian designer. The same one contracted by Ida in 2017 when she thought her hubby would be next PORK

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omanga alisupply nini juu alikua mafutani pia yeye

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kenya hakuna statehouse. kitambo ilikua, lakini kwa sasa ivi, haiko. io ni boma ya Arror


You can be sure shainese wamejaza spy cameras and bugs kila pahali. Vile walifanya AU hqts Addis.


Hope hawatatuanikia nudes za Charlene. Yuck!

I thought yule mkisii mumama haga kubwa that failed to be Nairobi women rep ndiye hupeana sim 2 anapata tender ya curtains?

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