So Sweet 2




These types of gals wanameza bakora kumeza.

Yummy yummy…some tit fuck would go down and give her a major facial!!!

Omwani umeona ngwati sana.:D:D

Buda, kuna ka kunguru yello yello affordable uliacha Kenya unaweza nirushia nikamumunye?

:D:D:D…These bitches needs to be put into submission…if she expects you to lick her pussy,then ploughing in between em titties should be on the menu…nipe nikupe kaka.

Siwezi kosa…will skumia you a number in about two hours…sio kunguru though but kugawa atagawa.

Daktari siwezi leta mama yangu udunge sindano you perverted cunt

Safi kaka

Fixed price

I am not fond of eating pussy nowadays. Imeniboo

