so sorry for our hornbill

2017 is so close,its so close that i almost touch it,the more we come close to it,the more things get thick for babu,cord is seriously regretting some of those proposes that they really pushed for in 2010…as we speak,kalonzo is feeling cold,he cant remember the last time he had to hire a bodyguard,or he was stuck kwa traffic jam,he is starting to imagine how he will spend another 5yrs in official noise making party,nevertheless,he still holds two cards,
1,work harder to get babu in state house and be the Dp (a risky affair)
2,decide to cross over to the winning side,join Uhuruto and at least be a governor for 5yrs hoping to deputize ruto in 2022…(he will prove he is a real water melon…

help kalonzo to make a stupid decision

yours wonderful wondering wonder

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Kalonzo naona akierevuka this time round. Naona Aki nego Na Uhunye chini ya maji. Hiyo njeve boss Na projects zako kumulikwa mulikwa Na gava sio mcheso boss.