When I say “that drunkard Uhuru is a joke of a president” my post gets deleted.
Nani hajui Kamwana is a kamlevi. Juzi tuu pale statehse at around 2.30am a drunk Uhuru came out of State hse completely drunk and in boxers pekee shouting obscene words in Kikuyu.
It took the intervention of state hse security to calm him down and bembeleza him back to bed. The nigga was drunk and was doing somersaults pale kwa compound akiwa only in his boxers.
Why then was my post deleted. Freedom of speech. NCIS wakiwasumbua give them my IP address. Wakitaka they can report me to the German govt. If they do Merkel’s administration will tell them to go fuck themselves…meffi. Freedom of speech…brare fwakin siet…ni jay baby boi amesema
Enyewe kuna kaumama fulani hiyo styro. Ukiongea mbaya kuhusu Uhuru unakujiwa na talker kama ishirini. Ukiongea mbaya kuhusu RAO, unaokota likes kama zote :D:D:D. Kwanza sahizo ndio unaambiwa vile Uhuru na Mama Ngina ni wazazi wanafaa waheshimiwe. Lakini sahizo tu, Raila, au Kalonzo/ Weta na familiazao wanatusiwa kwingine na none other than the same talker trying to tell you uheshimu Uhuru :D:D:D. UMAMA.
You are making allegations. @Jirani. These guys are too soft on you. Why are you hiding behind Merkel yet you don’t say/do the same things when you come visiting?
Hawa mamods should stop hiding behind anonymous handles. Let the notification read something like “Your post was deleted by Old Monk for XYZ”, then we can deal with the mod proper.
The president must be respected. Its not the man, but the office he holds. What office in our katiba does The monkey trader hold.
My advise, go slow on the president young man… Its wise not to pivk a fight with a guy who can even suspend the constitution constitutionaly. Think about it.