So as we all know men are way more duplicitous than women but they always paint women to be the back stabbers, fake friends and competitive gender in their frenemish female friendship.
Men are always portrayed as sincere and loyal to one another. Bromancing and bro codes and the brotherhood. But alas from UhuRuto to Kibaki Raila to best friends who sleep with their best friends wife behind their back, we know it’s all for show. All for show.
So a group of 4 bros for lack of any other term to describe what ever camaraderie these men shared. Went to a friends house bought booze, gilbeys and vodo and they got a woman. And as we all know when men come together it can’t be blase it’s either great things will happen or really terrible things will happen. So the guys decided to have an orgy with the one woman. I am still wondering why every one couldn’t just get his own sex worker to avoid spreading Corona by sharing one woman.
Who knows what goes on in the minds of a bunch of married drunk men? If you have taken a trip out of town for business with a male married colleague, you know how thirsty they become away from the watchful eyes of their wives. You’d be forgiven to think they just got out of the can. Bcz they behave like seen a woman in their lives.
So after doing the deed and documenting it for future reference they call it a weekend. Everyone goes their way. Before long one gets a bright idea that he can cash on the video. There goes the bro code and it’s back to individual benefits factory settings.
I need not go into the details, the rest as they say is history. A wise guy once quipped show me your friends I will show you your future. Friends make or break people. Let’s choose friends based on values not escapees. Bcz the Bible say iron sharpeneth iron. Friends are supposed to make you a better person not to bring out the worst base instincts in you.
I remember when Kori Karue was in jail for his wives murder and his drinking buddies were here, I asked them, did they ever visit him in jail. The silence was resounding. No. Their brotherhood was limited to drinking sprees and road trips with mpango ya kando. Lemme not belabor the point, you catch my drift.
The Bible says, a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. Let’s pick our friends very wisely guys and gals.
Shalom. The peace and protection of a God be upon and those you love. Happy Easter. Jesus is the reason for this season. Let’s not let Corona overshadow the beauty and greatness of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. For while we were yet sinners Christ loved us and died for us.