So this is a question asked by the red peels and mgtow community to women. ARE YOU WORTHY? as a woman.
So what exactly is a man’s life long commitment going to give you as a woman.
Well the main thing these men talk about is RESOURCES. I’ve actually not seen anything else they mention except RESOURCES.
OK. Let’s discuss RESOURCES.
Now if you are an adult woman you are educated to university, you have a job, you own a couple of assets if you are an older woman. Income generating assets like rental properties or a business or any other investment, in preparation for your retirement. You have been footing your bills comfortably for however long you’ve been working.
So what exactly are a man’s resources going to give you that you haven’t already acquired. Unless you marry a serious tycoon which is like 1% of the male population. There are also wealthy men who give nothing to their wives. So getting a tycoon with plenty of the said resources doesn’t equite to you actually benefitting from the resources unless the man dies before you and we know from Moi, tycoons don’t die young.
But wait, even if he gives you nothing. Your kids will gain from him. They will go to the best schools, have the best of everything and have a good inheritance. But whose kids are they? Yours or his? Whose surname do they have? Your surname/your dad’s name? Nope. THEY HAVE HIS SURNAME SO THEY ARE ACTUALLY HIS KIDS. They belong to his family and his lineage. So he is providing for his own who will carry on his name and his family name.
So much for the resources theory. Totally debunked.
BTW when you die everything you acquired on earth will go to his family lineage. His kids with his name will inherit every thing you own.
Meanwhile you will spend 20,30,40,50 years cooking, cleaning, having sex with this man free of charge. Using birth control pills that are as carcinogenic as asbestos so that you don’t get too many kids but you can still give your man free raw sex as you pop cancer causing pills daily bcz he can’t wear a condom, its you the woman to sacrifice your health and life so that he can enjoy free raw sex, risk STIs and HIV bcz hakuna mwanaume wa mwanamke mmoja and he can’t eat chapati every day, he has to eat out every so often. Oh and for the 20 or so years you are having sex with this man YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET AN ORGASM YAANI YOU WILL JUST BE A SPECTATOR OF HIM CUMMING BUT HE WILL NEVER MAKE YOU CUM. Plus absolutely no payment. For being a sex slave. A cleaning and cooking and serving slave. Except societal respectability as being somebody’s wife. You have no security of tenure he could throw you out at anytime regardless of your loooong service to building him. Then there goes your respectability down the drain. All your married friends will shun you and jeer how uliachwa coz you can’t keep a man. And you may snatch their men. You will become a pariah in church, in your community and even in your family as a person who could not keep her family intact. Even if you left bcz you were being abused. The stigma won’t be any less.
I don’t even want to go to how much pregnancies, breastfeeding and raising his kids will take out of you. That pregnancy and childbirth can kill a woman and has killed several. Meaning basically that a woman is putting her life on the line to bring a man offspring to continue his lineage. So a woman should ask a man are you worthy of a woman’s life? Any woman? Of course no man is worth a woman’s life. This is why no man is ever evacuated from a burning building or a sinking ship before all the women are out. Btw rescuers are always men why is it that they never help their fellow men first? Even men in their male supremacy complex know in their gut who is the more valuable gender. A woman can only produce 20 offspring even if she gives birth every year from menarche. A man in one ejaculation produces millions of sperms. Evolutionary psychologist and biologist come tell me who is a greater asset to the propagation of the species particularly considering that human offspring are not born walking and self sufficient for several years and require dedicated care from the mother including being held to survive.
So my women I want to ask you a very simple question. Who should be asking the other if they are worthy of the other’s commitment.
The way I see it, it’s the woman who should ask the man, ARE YOU WORTHY OF ANY COMMITMENT FROM ME? Even boyfriend commitment. Forget life long commitment.
Men are masters at flipping the script. They ask you as a woman a question that you as a woman should be asking them.
Let’s not get it twisted. The statistics don’t lie. Married men are happier, healthier and wealthier and live longer, than single men. However married women statistics are not so good. Meaning women are the goose with the golden eggs if you remember Jack and the beanstalk. Men are not otherwise statistics for married women would be equally good or even better than that of married men.
Mungu awalinde from Corona. Ni hayo tuu watazamaji.