Smart Kenyans

Trolling is on full display :cool::cool:

You know whenever I say that China doesnā€™t conduct research huwa mnasema oh I am anti China but here is a good example of what real research is all about!

Because China finds herself in this exact situation many a times.

They can build a robot, they even have money but they have no idea how to link a brain to the robot arm! And they donā€™t want to spend years mapping the brain, or working with other scientists across the globe who have spent their whole lives researching on this subjectā€¦ so China just steals that research!

In Kenyaā€™s case there is desire for research but no support/funding.

How accomplished are you?
Hata kama ni kutroll cut some slack. how the acknowledge knowledge is from God

Dreams are valid. :smiley: Kudos to them but Iā€™m pretty sure this technology has already been discovered and perfected in the US and other countries.

Tumia akili kijana. Hata nimeweka video hapo juu ukijiskia unaeza watch ama ukae. Hubembelezwi.

Hio robot arm ya hawa vijana hata haija testiwa you are just ingesting what this lady journalist is telling you and like the bonobo you are you are just accepting without questioning or investigating!

How in the world are they feeding data from the human brain to the robot arm?

Which part of the brain is communicating with this robot arm??? The prefrontal cortex? The occipital lobe? What?

Ama unadhani ni kuvaa tu helmet na mkono inaanza kusonga? :D:D

Each part of the brain has a SPECIFIC role. How are they accessing that specific part of the brain that causes movement in this robotic arm?

Ordinarily mtu huwekwa implant right on the brain surface by a qualified surgeon. That implant is what talks to the robot. And that is not simple science or research.

Now in this case they are communicating to the robot through the skin or scalpā€¦ hahaha. There is no brain implant visible!

That is space age science. Na sioni EEG machine hapo kando. Uliza @Purple akuambie EEG ni nini.

Or the simple explanation to all these could be that the arm was pre-programmed earlier to just lift and drop thingsā€¦ no link to the brain!

Hapa umeona through the trolling.
Everything in that video smells fake and scriptedā€¦

My ā€˜professionalā€™ analysis:
The two guys came across a YouTube video that showed how to DIY a simple robotic arm. They became infatuated with the said topic of robotics as a result.
They shipped the components from China (via aliexpress obviously) and were able to follow a very specific tutorial to come up with the robotic arm and its robotic fingers that open from up to bottom.

While at it they bought a simple racing car, downloaded a fancy software that can independently control the computer mouse and then built some head and chest contraptions and immediately embarked on a script on how to fake ā€˜mind controlā€™.

K24 fell hook, line and sinker to their trolling and here we are. This just proves that K24 is a faithful member of the Githeri Media fraternity.

This thing is a great idea, but could also be a serious mental health risk!

This whole video represents whats wrong with our society. No one wants to interrogate the methodology used to make the end product. The journalist obviously depended on rumours and somehow got convinced that some Kenyans have invented a 'mind boggling (pun intended) robot.

Please expound further. Enlighten us how it can be a serious mental health risk.

Waaahh people are ignorant
Yani mpaka a whole media house

The problem with negroes is that they like putting their colleagues down; 2 fellas have developed a robot and I donā€™t care itā€™s being run by software commands instead of the brain. What impresses is that they donā€™t have engineering degrees and if they looked up youtube and succeeded then they have a couple of brilliant brainds. Such brains if nurtured will innovate some live-saving of improving technology. But we donā€™t have time for that shiet since we stole all the money and such brilliant minds could not advance their schooling. Kweli Kenya ni Kwa shetani.