Small time importers, what is killing us besides kuchomewa mizigo

Clearance glitch at port costing traders billions in charges

A dysfunctional multi-agency team handling clearance of imported goods at Mombasa port has stifled reforms that would have made Kenya an investor’s destination of choice.

Companies staring at possible closure over withheld consignments include flower and horticultural firms that are yet to receive nitrate-based fertilisers, iron and steel manufacturers whose multimillion shilling consignments are being withheld over a tax dispute.

Others include small traders, all of whom claim to have incurred losses worth Sh10 billion.

Tales abound of an uncoordinated containerised cargo being first moved from Mombasa to Nairobi Inland Container Depot (NICD).

This is even when clearly marked, in the process incurring importers losses worth millions of shillings in storage charges that attract a 20 per cent levy.

This is despite importers’ instruction that their goods be stored in Mombasa till clearance. Lack of communication on cargo arrival has also exposed traders to a new challenge, with some of their cargo set to go under an auctioneer’s hammer in a month’s time for non-collection.

Goods clearly destined for Mombasa as the final destination are first being loaded onto the train and taken to Nairobi slapping importers with huge bills when they finally locate them.

A notice issued by NICD Chief Manager Susan Wanjiru last week gave affected traders 30 days to claim ownership, settle any fees ahead of taking possession of the cargo for evacuation from NICD that is currently reeling from congestion blamed on delayed clearance of items.

“Notice is given that unless the under-mentioned goods are entered and removed from the customs warehouse within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, they will be sold by public auction on 20 November, 2018,” said the notice.

since when did the SI unit of wealth in Kenya jump to a billion. Siku hizi if you are not a billionaire, you cannot seat at any table!

can’t remember the last I used mombatha…dar Is the real deal

This is the second time this carefully drafted propaganda has been published. First was when Nairobi cargo was referred to ICD for clearing not Mombasa. The cartels suffered and tax collections rose. All of a sudden counterfeit goods were been caught everyday. The traders adjusted and in 6 months 80% of importers picked ICD to clear goods. A record 6000 containers overstayed causing a congestion despite KPA revoking all outstanding charges. The containers have now been moved from Nairobi ICD to KR customs yard to free up space. What could be in 6000 containers that importers don’t wish to pick up. In a month we will know legally.

Two weeks ago KRA changed policy on cargo inspection. From random samples in every 10 containers to full inspection of all containers. KRA also changed all staff at the port. The net response is this article. Yes their is now congestion but it will be streamlined in a few weeks as everyone makes adjustments. All this is to end smuggling, importation of counterfeits, drugs, substandard goods, expired hoods and under invoicing of goods.

@spear hii sio propaganda! Kama si privacy ningekuonyesha evidence mzigo wa kutoka July ulifika Mombasa within the stipulated time of 3 weeks na mpaka sasa haujaingia mikononi mwangu. Eti inspection inafanywa Box by box. Imagine container ya 40 ft, ikiwa na different items for different traders in what is called consolidation, inamaliziwa inspection kwa mda gani?

Pole, but their is no going back. People demanded change and its here. Full inspection of all imports. Once the back load is completed then things will normalize. This is just the beginning, Uganda and Kenya will list products manufactured in the country and after that those items will not be allowed to be imported.

Wajua nini, @spear? We will survive! No matter what, but we will survive! Where there is a will there always is a way! Shetani akifunga mlango tunatorokea dirishani!

Kuna shida ECD, it’s taking ages to clear stuff hence losses incurred by businessmen, watu wanahamia Dar port juu ya upuss, kisha KRA ikose kufika target and then they wonder why, they should streamline services asap.

What if the other countries respond in kind…

Na wakati watu wanalia, sometimes it is better you just show some sensitivity and reserve some sentiments. It’s wrong kuchelewesha biashara za mabilioni za legitimate traders who are the majority, ukipania kunasa magendo ya mamilioni machache tu ya walio negligible minority!

They had procured x-ray machine for scanning goods, for faster processing, what changed that we have to manually check the containers delivered?

That’s how we prefer to do it over here. Sad.

dar waliacha kushuku container zinaenda kenya?

but hopefully things will get better. the president is aware and there seems goodwill to change.just survive untill then.

Why do full inspection here while its mandatory to do full inspection at port of origin…and they issue a coc after verification at port of origin…

Overzealousness ya akina @spear.

That has yet to take place, its the next step but stakeholders said it should be postponed. For example all imports would have to be inspected at port of origin and duty paid at that point. When they get here it would only be to verify if its correct. However the problem with that is for consolidated cargo its tricky as it would take time and create a logistics challenge. So the roll out would start with bulk importers who fill up containers as one client.

The scanners just verify if the goods on the manifest tally with what is on the containers. They work better with containers carrying same goods or one importer. However in consolidated containers alot can be put in for several people. A simple opening to verify can reveal alot. Thats how 10 billion worth of smuggled cigar and cigarettes were found listed as something else. A year supply more than BAT for local and regional market. Tobacco farmers would have suffered as the market would be flooded and they haven’t sold any produce. All these delays will be streamlined soon, they have 1000’s of containers backlog to finish and then once they have been clearer the normal 3000 containers a day can be handled easily. They are also doing it in shifts of 8 hours on a 24 hrs basis. 3 shifts a day. Their are inspectors from DIC and security agencies supervising them.

Nobody takes Spear serious over here anymore. He will only become useful during the next election