Small Country Such As Belgium Manufactures More Goods Than Entire Continent Of Africa

Shida ya Omwafrika nigani?

Ni Ujinga!


Instead of building factories kazi ni ujinga


And this country called Kunia, what does it produce? What is the identifying product for this country

Ghasia @Ndindu we said Belgium without DRC Congo is a shithole. What Belgium produces is a loot from Zaire.

So what?

What stopping Africans from invading and colonizing Europe or banning the Belgians from coming into Congo?

Africans have time for everything except what is truly important. They have time for circumcision, dowry payment, burials, prayers, weddings etc but no time for invention. Brainstorming and benchmarking opportunities are turned into eating and fuckong sprees. Sad.

Wacha niendee kazi juu ya hii comment. Kweli Africans we have refused to learn new technologies which will catapult us to developed countries. Hii mwaka lazima nijifunze coding self taught.

Unatuambia ndio nini

What’s stopping you?

Sasa umewacha DJ

DJ it’s easier to learn I have already mastered it.

Foolish maragoli nikome. Sitaki kisirani. Uko na umama kwani unanyesha.

The most Somalia has ever made are clay dolls from the river banks of the Shebelle

you support tanga tanga and his wheelbarrow crap mpaka uko na leso ya UDF kwa nyumba …and you have the nerve to ask what is wrong with africa …it’s idiots like you who do not use their heads when choosing waheshimiwa…

…dynasties nao wanafinyilia mwananchi

The kind of negativity on this thread is one reason we remain backwards.

Wachana na hao wajibambe. the educated people in the city are the ones who have refused to develop the country. They have the education, exposure and skills but they choose to sell everything to foreigners and use the money to buy cars and overpriced houses.

Beligum GDP - $533 billion
Manufacturing as a contribution to GDP - 19% ($101 billion)

South Africa GDP - $351 billion
Manufacturing as a contribution to GDP - 15% ($52 billion)

Egypt GDP - $303 billion
Manufacturing as a contribution to GDP - 16% ($48 billion)

I wouldn’t say “more than the entire continent of Africa”.

The day we fully become food sufficient, that will be the first step to progress…
Jungle software still struggling with basics, shelter, food,sex,
People still die of hunger, idiocy,and what not…

I think this is the problem of having such a narrow and short-sighted view of the world. We have Millenia past us and Millenia still to come. Civilisations come and go, the metrics of success keep changing. You can’t take a tiny snapshot of history, interpret it through a very narrow lense of understanding and make ignorant statements boldly. Besides those nations you seem convinced are better than you, they have their own challenges. For example (in my subjective view) Africans seem to enjoy life a lot more than Europeans. You travel to a rural area and you are greeted with smiles, warmth and generally just joyous hearts. You go to a random European city and you meet generally less happy, more stressed, less welcoming souls. We lag behind in technology and we haven’t accumulated stolen wealth over generation, or benefitted from the cheap labour of millions of foreign slaves to employ capital over several decades but we have our own pace and we run our own race and your self hatred is not helpful in any way. When I gave my list of countries I’d love to retire to, some notorious troll really made fun of me because majority of the countries on my list are third world countries. In his narrow view, I SHOULD be glorifying and dying for USA (wouldn’t live there if you paid me to) or Europe (could consider it perhaps) or Australia, Canada etc… which are not bad countries per se. But I know I’d be happier elsewhere… from experience!

Kwanza lately Nairobi water and sewerage company do not want to do their job, sewage leaks everywhere for weeks na ghassia haziwezi tengeneza.
