Kanye West
Kanye is crazy…amesema slavery was a choice.
Hii kitu imekasirisha black Americans sana
What if we replace slavery and poverty will they still still be so angry?
Some of them used to tell us that we allowed whites to colonize us…yes,maybe we did, but in fifty short years tulifukuza wabeberu.
I don’t support kanye though…he’s high on something…maybe high on Kardashian?
Kama yeye ni mwanaume aseme the same thing concerning the Holocaust. Kanye needs a break from social media
He is a fucking pussy. Hyo hawezi sema
Hio ana point, 400 years tume lala kama paka.We should organised a large army and an insurgency.
Sasa pia wewe ni kama umevuta kitu