Skyworth v TCL

Ni telly poa. I dont have any experience with that brand

My friend had a 43" UKA tv na it looked fine. It was 1080p though. What am curious about is Vision frameless tv. 65" going for only 80k. That’s the cheapest 65" I’ve seen.

If you can get the American version TCL with roku inbuilt then it’s better than the local one, which is good anyway

Na resolution je? Ama size ya screen?

The good ones za America hazikujangi Kenya. Nilitafuta Hisense H8F and H9F sikupata kabisa.

Huku bado tunauziwa Hisense 6 series na 7 series in 2020.

What about LG with satellite receiver inbuilt

Size nimesema 32"-40" ni sawa juu najua bigger size na budget yangu naeza oga. 1080 iko sawa

Hapo unaweza get.

The other day I was making this decision and nlikua namezea mate a certain TCL TV US version with QLED, unfortunately, haiko in local market and even if it had been, ningelipishwa through my teeth. In my research I found that these models are available in SA, naija and Egypt online market places - for the same price as they appear on Amazon. Unfortunately I could locate a shipping company online that could do the job for me, because if there was, the bill would have been friendlier that getting it all the way from Europe or North America.

If you were able to locate a shipping agent anafanya from these 3 countries na akupe quote, it would be a steal. Maybe talker can help

I wonder why Africa gets inferior quality products yet Europe and America gets some superior quality products. Wanakuanga wametudharau aje?

Bought some Thinkpad laptops from Esquire they had an offer.
I shipped them via infact Esquire shipped to sahaliya and they sent to me .

Esquire South Africa or UK?

Go for TCL

Skyworth has a hub in Kenya ni venye recently sijajua their qualities of their new model. But ukitaka kitu iko fully partnered by Android and support future proof video formats like hevc go for skyworth.

The model should be 1080p and above for better screen quality. Halafu ni cheap pia.

I recently bought a 720p skyworth last early last year for my mancave. It has Dolby audio speakers and it supports a wide range of video format out from the box. It plays hevc video formats at ease. Ni venye sikuipenda juu si android and sscreen is less cripsy. But it swallows nearly every format from torrent sites.

do your homework well

TCL ni tops ofcourse


For your budget you should pick any suggestion thrown your way.

not really sieze …remembr even fools get old…just a by the way