Site hosting with safcon

Anybody here ever hosted a site with safaricon , have a site I hosted with them and their hosting is terrible for the last week , support don’t seem to know whats going on and try to blame the site, even though other sites hosted by the same are just experiencing the same shitty service !

What was the specific problem you encountered?

I do host my websites and some as well for clients with Saf. Sijaona downtime yoyote recently.

What I dislike about Safaricom web hosting is that their C-panel has some limitations which you have to beg them to enable or allow (they will never respond).

sites has been on and off , jamaa ana jaribu kusema ati ni mm sija optimize, I ask him optimize what when even the cpanel cannot be accessed still no answer ,but now seems they are back , support is pathetic need to invest in more support.

Can you please monitor ur safacom sites today and let me know if they are all loading ok .