Singo mathas

Whether wewe ni Bachelor ama umeoa , never allow a singo mother you have married or not leave you with her kids or never accept a situation where its you and the kids only, esp girls , someone can fix you for defilement easily , men have found themselves in the furnace for this. Kama watoto sio wako don’t entertain closeness.


Tupe hekaya vile D- wamegula yako

2 Likes ona hio na usome na yake meffi

If the kids are 18+ all bets are off.

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Mimi hapana okuyu, nonsense!

Okuyu is the National Language , if you cannot speak okuyu you are stupid , jua okuyu meffi.

You sure are talking tough for someone who bred a single mother then got accused of molestation & ended up picking soap for Onyi in a cell. Now that’s mega stupid.

Sasa umeelewa , you are good to go as long as you got the point

Hamukuona ile story ya jirani fulani aliamua kuchange a girl child nappy because it was seriously soiled and the mother hakuwa karibu, sijui alikuwa ameenda dukani or something like that.

Jamaa found himself in hot soup when the mother returned, and he was just trying to be a gentleman kusaidia. Alijipata ndani.

Watoto si wako kaa na hao mbali sana. Wacha wajiharie na wajikunie kabisa.


Waaah jamaa alitombwa mkundu kusaidia mtoto…

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