Hawa ndio wamejaza Online Dating Sites.


18k Likes…plus a paybill number…watakafunga plus am sure FIDA will now take intrest and the dead bead father will have a rough 2021.

Ukisikia kunguru ako na jina kama Shirleen you should run away at the speed of light

Kunguru akikula stock ndio huwa kunahappen…Misery and Agony.

siwezi mind kuconsole nikiongeza mileage mpaka 12 hours to deadline penye serikali inasemanga umekuwa baba wa kambo alafu niingie emboubout

Ongeza Shantel

Both are very common brothel aliases.

Sometimes boychild huwa na mhurumia.
The girl child knows her body better and the implications of unsafe days.
Lakini wapi-its boy child’s fault kumwaga.

Ongeza Sharon,Stacy,Natasha,Natalie…

No matter their story don’t give them even a penny…

Sex is meant to be for procreation. That is its primary function. Mtu akipata ball at this age hio ni kutafuta ametafuta, nothing like accidental pregnancy.

Yeas kike wenzake wakpee

Na Carol. Always goes wrong

There are so many very prominent and successful ones … :D:D

Ms: Resago Tshabadira AKA Segos Pumpkin.


Inakaa hii umekula daktari Ssenga


Kwani Marie Stopes walifunga kazi? Anyway feminists walituambia no uterus no opinion sasa apambane na shida zake mwenyewe

Is that why you always have an opinion?

Irresponsible choices, shauri yake huyo.

Acha niongezee stock juu ya hiyo story