'Single parent crisis' - Don't say I didn't warn you.

You are all aware that Kenya is heavily indebted to China thanks to the departing administration.

You must also be aware that the terms and conditions of the loan(s) have never been made public…

Beginning in 1979, China implemented the one-child policy, which stipulated that a couple could only have one child, resulting in a declining new population and a rapidly aging society. Violators of China’s one-child policy were fined, forced to have ab0rti0ns or sterilizations, and lost their jobs.

China abolished this policy because "they have too many men, too many old people, and too few young people. They have this huge crushing demographic crisis as a result of the one-child policy.

fears of a rapidly ageing population undermining economic growth forced the ruling Communist Party to allow two children per married couple. "

The President made a very bizarre remark at yesterday’s Madaraka Celebration:


So how does this correlate with Chinese loans? We certainly aren’t going to settle the debts any time soon.

Have you ever heard about the term ‘Chinese debt trap’? - Basically, The Chinese government’s overseas-development policy has been called debt-trap diplomacy because if an indebted country fails to service its loans, it becomes vulnerable to pressure from China to support its geostrategic interests. According to Brahma Chellaney, “It’s clearly part of China’s geostrategic vision”.

The Madaraka day statement was a warning. The one-child policy will soon be implemented in Kenya, by China, via Kenyan puppets, to preempt a population crisis and most importantly to accomplish China’s geostrategic vision.

‘Single parent trend’ will be used as the scapegoat.

Once put into action, the policy will be lifted only when fears of a rapidly ageing population begins to undermine economic growth. And it won’t be lifted entirely either. The limit will only be increased slightly, from one child, to two kids and maybe three children max…

Yeah that may actually happen… when it snows in hell

Single Men Have Issues Too… :D:D:D:D


You’re pulling conspiracy theories from your ass.

Single parent hood is a serious crisis in this country. My only worry is the burden is going to be pushed to everyone else through an allowance to single mums kama South Africa. Knowing Kenyans, this will make it even worse.

Can you find a way to correlate China loans and the hundred fold femicide rates in the country which appears to have peaked since we started doing business with China? I think that is the biggest threat to the Kenyan population. Killing of women of child bearing age by their intimate partners.

BTW why do we blame single Moms when it is the men who took off and refused to take care of their progeny. Single parenthood is not the problem, irresponsible men are bcz many responsible men are Copa renting successfully but team Karura forest is the real problem and its their responsibility you are shouldering not the single mothers breaking their backs to provide for their children. The crisis is men who abandoned their offspring not single mothers. We cannot blame the parent who stayed with the child bcz quite easily they could as well have dumped the kids in a children’s home. To me single Moms are the real heroes in the society. In spite of the immense stress they keep raising their offspring and often raise successful kids as we have seen lately bcz kids ain’t stupid they know who abandoned them and who stood by them in spite all odds, when they become successful and their dead beat dads try crawling back into their lives like Diamonds father they don’t even get a scooter, excellent examples are Obama and even Bill Clinton whose dads shirked their responsibility to their kids but they did better than men who came from two parent homes . Toxic two parent families are not better than peaceful single parent homes. Children thrive in loving, stable and peaceful homes just ask Diamond and many other successful single moms children.

Please don’t conflate your culture with Kenyan societies. In my culture, a man does not take off: it is the woman who does if she can’t meet the standards. In

This cannot happen unless they ban entry to all major forest,wanaume wana stream embobut daily like nobody’s business.

hii kelele ya single parents tuliambiwa is not a mens problem…it is a womens problem plus less than 5% of men.

china or any other country might try but this is africa.it will remain so as a black mans lands.even north africa to the middle east.is all african

Kenyans have become lazy and have departed from critical thought with regards to marriage and children.
How is it that these days is when we are getting terms like “toxic partners” and “co-parenting”?
We should not sugar-coat a crisis and believe that it is trendy when doing it. It is the child that is suffering.
We need to go back to the basics. The family is the basic social unit.

One of the pillars of a strong nation is family, a union of a man and a woman raising their kid(s) in a healthy environment with strong moral and cultural support. This seems to be not the case these days, we need to go back to our African traditions.

Surge of cross-dressing, homosexuality, transgenders, alcohol and substance abuse, single parenting, prostitution etc etc tells it all. Africa is ailing, our forefathers are turning in their graves disappointed with us.

Watoto wa single moms wanakuwa wezi sugu kama @johntez addi gaza msafi

Someone said something about the French and I think he was right. He said ati paternity tests are not allowed because when someone like @Mundu Mulosi Bs Ms Ma PhD and ScD discovers his two daughters aren’t biologically his, he will not work hard to provide or simply vanish into the nearest forest. He will not have the motivation to slave himself.

Come to Kenya. The President is concerned because why would men work hard when they are not motivated to? They used to catch us by the balls because everyone used to marry.

This brings a new problem to employers who underpay people. Someone like @Karoga who is a bachelor for life when they join forces with others like him, they can refuse to work as long as they have some income generating activity. They can also demand for a bigger wage coz sio lazima wafanye kazi yet industries still need people.

In short, by men avoiding marriage, gava inakosa leverage ndio iwanyanyase.

Your jaba base analysis even by ktalk standards is really retarded.

but si african culture is backward , christianity and white mzungu jesus is the answer , we need to pray and fast then jesus will intervene… AMEN


MGTOW=FREEDOM… injili imetembea kutembea , Embobut Forest Navy seals wako ngangari kabisa ,you can’t steal out seed without consent then you blame men for not raising their kids .
You can’t take me to court because I didn’t pay you for good s you also had stolen, ghaseer!!!

Yap. The family IS the basic unit but we know of a whole doctor killing his kids while their mom was away. I guess that’s your idea of stopping the children’s suffering? You stay in your so called basic unit until you die of depression bcz your husband impregnated the maid and your sister or you get killed or you and your kids get killed yes? That’s your idea of going back to the basics.

The crisis is irresponsible men. Women cannot force men to be responsible and stay for the sake of their kids. We watch it on TV, its not a trendy term or sugar coating anything, there are narcissistic and toxic partners. They have evolved over time from bad to worse. Those are the facts. If you can’t do it together separate and coparent but many men especially pigtoe are deserting their offspring in record numbers. So kindly put blame where it belongs at the feet of men. No woman is happy to separate from the father of her kids but when it bcms impossible she won’t kill herself trying to make it work.