You are all aware that Kenya is heavily indebted to China thanks to the departing administration.
You must also be aware that the terms and conditions of the loan(s) have never been made public…
Beginning in 1979, China implemented the one-child policy, which stipulated that a couple could only have one child, resulting in a declining new population and a rapidly aging society. Violators of China’s one-child policy were fined, forced to have ab0rti0ns or sterilizations, and lost their jobs.
China abolished this policy because "they have too many men, too many old people, and too few young people. They have this huge crushing demographic crisis as a result of the one-child policy.
fears of a rapidly ageing population undermining economic growth forced the ruling Communist Party to allow two children per married couple. "
The President made a very bizarre remark at yesterday’s Madaraka Celebration:
So how does this correlate with Chinese loans? We certainly aren’t going to settle the debts any time soon.
Have you ever heard about the term ‘Chinese debt trap’? - Basically, The Chinese government’s overseas-development policy has been called debt-trap diplomacy because if an indebted country fails to service its loans, it becomes vulnerable to pressure from China to support its geostrategic interests. According to Brahma Chellaney, “It’s clearly part of China’s geostrategic vision”.
The Madaraka day statement was a warning. The one-child policy will soon be implemented in Kenya, by China, via Kenyan puppets, to preempt a population crisis and most importantly to accomplish China’s geostrategic vision.
‘Single parent trend’ will be used as the scapegoat.
Once put into action, the policy will be lifted only when fears of a rapidly ageing population begins to undermine economic growth. And it won’t be lifted entirely either. The limit will only be increased slightly, from one child, to two kids and maybe three children max…