The problem runs through out society. Why is it OK for a rich older man to take advantage of a down on their luck young girl? Actually we should applaud the women who shoulder the responsibility of raising these kids. If u think crime is bad now, just imagine if they also walked out on their kids.
wewe hupati point…sponsor juu ako na family tayari huwa ana enter trees:D here they call it deep forest:D
so wasichana walipenda mbeca sana ii maneno lazima ikuwe…kama uko na msichana mlee vizuri na umwambie ukweli achungane na sponyo …wao ni kumwaga pesa, kumwaga ndani na kuingia boni forest:D
Wanawake wengine mradi akona kajob mahali na anaweza lipa nyumba na kujikimu kimaisha, huona hamna haja ya mwanaume! Iwapo ana mtoi, yeye hajali mradi maisha inaendelea while oblivious of the dangers associated with a child growing up without a father figure around. And the society, seemingly, condones it!
Sschoopid dimwit. How old are you again?
Stop digressing.
Those girls are not victims. They hunt for sponyos and lock them in with babies. Sometimes they get set up for life and sometimes they get Obado-d.
Condor was being sarcastic.
In a way they are. It’s not normal to want to sexual relations with someone as old or older than your father with a huge beer belly ( attempting to describe your average sponyo). It’s a means to an end. If their basic needs were met I doubt many would go for this option. The economic situation in the country forces some down this route.
@Ebonycurves there is nothing like economic situation. People like sugar coating these stuff to remove the blame.
Those ladies associating with sponsors are just immoral ladies who want quick luxury and to post them including the most expensive attire, meals, places they been to etc on social media
Men these days are seen as a get out of poverty card even for women who have jobs. Trapping guys with kids is a well thought out plan until he disappears into the many forests out here. Playing victim afterwards is avoiding personal responsibility.
the govt should do something… marry them?
the girl child has the eventual control too, I don’t buy your argument. being fucked raw is not the end, there are multiple birth control means. they have a success rate of 98%. the buck stops with the woman ultimately, she can decide to get pregnant or not with an extremely high degree of success at that.
ni venye uko area that is predominantly kikuyu…tembea kenya utaona ii scourge including kwenu siku izi kwa nywele safi thro talakas na kumagwa na hard hair folks dame anafukuzwa kwao
Attention seeking more like
Now you are blaming the economy for shitty morals, way to go!
If it is about morals, neither party is moral. The sponsor is usually doing the dirty on his wife sometimes with a girl as young his daughter.
The woman has more to loose whichever way you look at it, sharing the blame serves no purpose since the deed is already done.