Single Moms be pissing me off

There’s plenty of evil things I expect from men but women, I always put on pedestals. Recently however naskia nimekasirika Sana with som behavior from single modas. Recently I read a plea for advice from one lady am in a closed FB women only group with. Here is the story before I start my rant.

So the lady’s been married 7 years now and she had a child before she met him whom she lived with until she met her husband then took the child to live with her mother in Ruai. So the entire duration she’s been with this guy she has told him that the child belongs to her dead sister. During the time of their marriage they’ve been unable to conceive. Now the child was knocked down by a car and died. So she is in greater distress over the chance that she may lose the guy than over the death of her only child. Is there something I am not seeing in this picture. Just last week, the remains of a 4 yr old girl Maleah Davis were found, dumped at a roadside 6hrs drive away from home, this was done by the mother’s live in bf, her step father. The mother was more concerned by the man’s incarceration than by the horrific death her daughter suffered, it

These are unstable minds. Don’t tar all single mums with the same brush. During the whole duration of the 7 years no-one told the man the truth? well he did not do his homework properly.
As for Maleah, the Mum is simply mad. The law in the west states clearly that the custodian parent, should know where your child is at all times. Every mother should anyway married or single.

As a single mom,i find this thread rather hateful and shortsighted

:oops:Wanakuja, This place is full of myopic talkers. Vaa helmet.

My apologies mum. I know majority are doing the best they can but cases of neglect and abandonment are on the rise. Awhile back you would not hear of such things but it has now bcm common place especially when a new man enters the picture. At least 2 cases I’ve seen there were no other kids even. Others it’s the man who wants the kid taken to Shosho. Still I believe that a child should come first bcz they need protection from parents and the community at large. Almost weekly I see cases locally of kids mistreated bcz of a step dad. This is very wrong bcz kids deserve better.

:D:D:D:D:D nice try @uwesmake

My relative married a woman with 4 kids with out knowing and she unveiled them only after his death. So don’t talk about due diligence bcz you can only get so much info especially when there’s a conspiracy of silence.

I can only say…weee oki. Never heard of such tales in Kenya. The step father abusing/killing the child sometimes with the mum’s help are quite common-ish huku but both are served a goddam long sentence.
Still I re-iterate every sane woman should know their child’s whereabouts.

I agree with you but one or two incidents can not be the basis of judging them single mothers.
There are single patents who have done and continue to do wonderful things for and because of their children.

That woman probably lost her fertility when she got that kid and she knows it. That stupid man is a disgrace to his balls.

:D:D:D Mimi hua na assume pink handles wote ni ndume

Is there a feature of K List to tag users ndio ujue what sort of nonsensical arguments to expect from them?

I find it hard to believe that a man can marry a woman and not know she has a child somewhere. It’s a small world. Someone will know someone who knows something and they will tell you. On top of the fact that a woman’s body anatomy changes ones she’s had a child. So you can tell a woman who’s had a child from one who has not.

Haha…this is laughable. Sure, blame the man for being trusting. Blame him also for not being trusting. Apply as needed depending on the situation at hand.
Oh, that stupid man!
He should have gone a step farther and been able to tell whether or not she’d had kids by scrutinizing her anatomy.

I have a relative married to a lady from one of the countries south of us. Recently another relative was there and by chance ran into her family. Kumbe she had a prior family. Sijui kama mzee anajua.



I have been misquoted :smiley:

Anatomy Issa dead giveaway. How can you not tell a woman who has given birth?

If someone is untrustworthy hii ingine yote haina haja. If someone can lie about something as serious as this, what else have they lied about. Hii hapana.