Kam hia unipatie maono yako…I am very impressed by what I watched on Jeff Kuria…any views?
@kush yule mnono na @Trojanex kujieni notes hapa. Kamama ka randan kamepost. This is just one example.
I don’t walk with chicken when I can fly with eagles
Niaje Finest Wine! Salimia PM Bojo and convey my congratulations to him for the birth of his second kid.
wine alinikazia kufika London
Usiwai niweka kwa sentense moja na @Purple nawesa nyurisha hio khasia bure.
Powa sana Shifo. This is Bojo’s 7th child if am not wrong…and not the last coz he is unable to zip it up. A serial wedder huyu BoJo wetu. But he is as funny as hell:D:D:D. Mambo zingine siaminingi mimi…:D:D:D:D:D:D