since you discovered sex/jerking off,

what’s the longest time have you ever stayed away from sex and jerking off?

Why torture one self, either have sex or jerk off

semen retention is quite good. I see men have become timid over time, especially men who live in the big cities, because sex is readily available. Try semen retention, confidence inaongezeka na anxiety na uoga inareduce

Hiyo is recipe ya kumwaga ukiwa under pressure. ‘Lord’ ikitaka kutoka inatoka tu. Sex is more important.

start practicing by taking a few days of retention. Overtime, you’ll be able to go for weeks without giving in even when under life’s pressures.

Jerkers did you know…? :smiley:


A year from sex and I’m old school, I don’t jerk off.

wow!! wewe ni mnoma,

Initially when I started after kutoa uvajo I’d say 2 to 3 months…since then sidhani nimekaa 2 weeks without sex.

Had a contract in a desolate county, decided to fulfill my obligations without traveling back to my playgrounds or the expensive prostitutes.

Actually to be honest when I came back something in me had changed, I was less susceptible to emotional manipulation and I really did not care for fancy establishments.

I went for 60days without sex or even jerking off. Even after I relapsed and finally had sex, I felt I had changed. I was no longer overly lustful in my interaction with women, which made me less of a simp. Feels good to be out of that bondage of lust, alcohol, sex, porn etc

Based on what Scientific Evidence …??? :D:D

I’m glad you experienced a new level of self control, it’s the hallmark of maturity to postpone gratification.

Go for one to two weeks without emptying your balls, you’ll feel the difference


Wadau msisahau. The "No Nut November " challenge is around the corner.

this is very true, i tried this shit and i had some confidence sijui ilikuwa inatoka wapi,

Am signing up for that shit, then December nindinyane yangu yote nikiwa na stock ya cum gallon mbili:D:D:D

Wisdom detected.

Tried this for a month, nilikuwa napiga 360 degree rolling kwa kitanda na blue balls mbaya daily, My will refused and I had to relapse