Who was the lesser evil? Would the price of petrol, sugar and flour be this high?
Saa hii wimbo Ungekuwa Situliwaambia Dynasty ni Mbaya?
Who ever would have won bado maisha yangekuwa magumu kwa peasants
Who was the lesser evil? Would the price of petrol, sugar and flour be this high?
Saa hii wimbo Ungekuwa Situliwaambia Dynasty ni Mbaya?
Who ever would have won bado maisha yangekuwa magumu kwa peasants
Only one way to find out, get him in there…
Juzi Kuna watu nilinyamazisha with one simple fact.
Kibaki left Kenya with a debt of Sh1.7 trillion.
Yaani in the 50 years to 2013 this is the entire debt the country accumulated.
In just 10 years Uhuru drove this to 9 trillion.
Yaani Uhuru borrowed THREE & A HALF times more than the last three presidents.
Sit under a tree and think about that…
Lakini naye Uhuru alitengenzesha barabara Kilometers mingi zaidi ya zile Kenya iliwahi weka tokea 1963. Stima pia zimeenea Kenya hadi vijijini (Last Mile) kuliko serikari zote za Jomo, Moi, Kibaki zikijumulishwa. Hii ni miradi ya Kibaki lakini Uhuru ndiye aliyeitimiza. But at the same time looting was rampant. For every Ksh 100 Borrowed, Ksh 55 was stolen.
Ndio maana we are in this pit… spending without generating sth back or ensure money keeps circulating, net consumers. We are flying with clipped wings as a nation.
Wish Kibaki had ruled Kenya for 24 years from 1978 to 2022. Hali ya uchumi wa Kenya ingekuwa tofauti
He anticipated the Turkana oil fields would pay for the debt. Only for Ngamia one ikaturamba
Most borrowing and theft occurred between 2014-2017. When we told people lets vote Uhuruto out walisema tano tena na hawawezi pea Raila Kura. God gave the same people a second chance through repeat elections that Raila boycotted. Instead of voting for Ekuru Aukot walisema wembe ni ule ule na wakajitokeza thuraku thuraku…Sasa watu wanajuta.
Personally I was for Raila for the simple reason that his deputy Karua ni safi kama pamba. He wouldn’t have solved the economic mess since it will take time to undo what Uhuru did, but I had hopes that wastage and corruption would reduce
Keep it a buck & I’m pretty sure you voted for that thief in 2013 screaming kumira kumira & were panting heavily on the uhuruto Tano Tena slogan!!
He Raila soon joined the thieves. Guilty by association. Kenya has an imperial presidency. Karua would do nothing. I presume she would have soon resigned
:D:D:D bet iliungua
Shida ya bonobos si moja…but eg. Angalia this projects…tell me one…
If you have access to the video…
Creating from the desert…from your own imagination, resources and people…
Hizi fake Kenyan developments are created , owned and financed by others who then own the bonobos…
instead of Wanjiku creating it for, by and of themselves…and thereafter multiplier effects accumulate…workers educate their kids from their resources who end up being the consumers who are the gamblers and engineers, hoteliers, hustlers, police, educators, whores etc…254 can learn from Las Vegas…once a desert
:D:D:D:D Na Boyz alikuwa amekelea na deni ya wachinko
:D:D:D hata angejaribu GG. Yeye aliekea home kichwa juu odd ilikuwa kubwa. Aliuma nje.
What if…
What if Tom mboya was never assassinated?
What if 1982 coup was a success?
What if 9/11 didn’t happen?
I don’t deal in what if because that is not the reality.
The sad reality is that Ruto and Gachagua are preso and dp respectively.
Yesterday during mkutano ya Uhuru some speakers insulted Kenya Kwanza politicians. When it was Karua’s turn to speak, she reprimanded them telling them that was wrong. That’s the accountability we would have gotten. Simple act but tells you what character of a deputy she would be.
Anyway, we missed the chance. We move on.
Banae :D:D:D:D
We call this counter history. I just like the way I’m well versed on a diverse discourse :D:D:D
Nyamazeni. KRS needs 2.7 birrions to change its logo colour and fonts.
Mbona bado yuko Azimio after losing.