Wakuu naskia right now cons are on a rampant spree with SIM swap tricks… Block your SIM cards through your provider. Watu wanalilia kwa choo.
Just dial 100100# so if your SIM is ever swapped you know it was done at Safcom.
Tulihama, Airtel hakuna ukora.
Yangu replacement lazima nijiwakilishe safcom with my ID… there is a way to enable it… i just cant rem…
hukumaliza hekaya ya single mum neighbour
Funga maskio acha kuskia fanya kitendo
Ndio unapashwa? Its been on for sometime. Remember the guys who swapped Konyagi’s number at night and called Naushad Merali conning him off 10M
… aiii gani hio?
… unnecessary responses… Unge kaa kimya tuu
… Sijapashwa saa hii, as i have said, it’s becoming rampant now.
@dr kerre PhD = @Jimit