Siku za mwizi ni ...

Three women were on Tuesday morning cornered at a popular eatery in the city center after being caught stealing from customers.

The three, who were pulling customer’s handbags from under the table at Domino’s Pizza along Koinange Street, were noticed by an employee who was manning the CCTV cameras.

An alarm was raised and all doors of the restaurant were closed as security guards arrested the three.


Phew! I thought this thread was about Ann Mumbi Waiguru


Look at them shinning their eyes!! :mad::mad:


They look like very respectable members of the society. And therein lies the trick. Sisi tunaexpect a chokosh look-alike ndio aibe!!


This Is Gold

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looks are deceptive…

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for such thiefery, there need to have a law for dealing with them. public canning each day for two weeks hapo kando ya statue ya kimathi. wakue wanakuja na kamisi pekee


whaen is the last time you saw a kamisi? siku hizi ni jeggings, bikers ama commando kabisa


swafi kuna kuwa na a male accomplice


Please understand that these are hard times! :D…a man’s got to do what’s a man’s got to do!

not the traditional kamisi per say…nime notice nowadays there are some translucent long dresses women wear and it has sumthing on the inside, looks like a mini “kamisi”…get the drift now? wapi @Guru @Purr_27 atueleze hio inaitwa nini

Now imagine hawa ni either mother, aunt ama neighbour wa msee. and you see them on the social media. Reminds me of the exposé by jicho pevu on car vandalism. one of the guy is my neighbour in Shags. sema CV ya mtu kuenda chini.

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hio ya blue ni dildo ama???

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Haiii hiyo sijailewa

Wooi iii. Eti the tourists requested they be released. Do these women realise what time we sleep and wake up to struggle while they just pray to steal people’s sweat?

Wachapwe kabisa.

jeggings ni mnyama gani?

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Usitake jua

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or die trying?

Well, ukipatikana ni by bad luck.

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