Kuna shamba nilibuy 750k some few months ago. Kila kitu ilikua shwari kabisa. Nimejenga hadi hao iko halfway, kuna jirani akaniuliza kwani Gerald aliuza shamba? Nikamshow mwenye aliniuzia haitwi Gerald ni jina ingine. Jama ananishow ati shamba ni ya Gerald na amekaa Sudan saaana. Kupigia msee aliniuzia number iko unreachable. Kila kitu iko sawa, nilifanya search na niko na title hadi lawyer alikua involved but kuna kafeeling niko nayo yenye si poa. Sitaki kuinvolve karao kwanza juu sijui the whole story vile shamba ilitransfer kwa huyu msee. Sa swali ni hii, naweza get aje number ya msee nikiwa na ID copy? Obviously kuna number ingine anatumia iko associated na hiyo ID. Saidia raia.
Try contacting the Gerald, I’m sure huyo jirani amekuchanua ako na number or knows somebody who knows somebody who has Gerald’s number.
Hivyo tuu ndivo ulienda ukikaukanga. Shamba so bangi ununue haraka haraka underground eti usipatikane.
Uliruka stage moja when purchasing. In a developed area, its always wise to go back after viewing the land and talk with the neighbors and establish if they know the real owner. In most cases, absentee landlords tell their neighbors to watch their land to avoid grabbing.
It’s very simple:
Double allocation.
Mwenye alikuuzia ndiye pia aluzia Gerald.
Tafuta Gerald mgawane shamba.
Are you sure the ID is genuine to begin with
You are spot on. Most villages in .ke have those elder committees that one can enquire from.
But something doesn’t add up here. Kwani you aren’t interacting with the people involved in the construction, because watu wa mkono most of the times huwa locals.
Tunakutafuta na uko hapa ?? aii
What was the name of the person who sold you the land?
Am sure they were using an alias or nickname.
That’s what land conmen do.
Kama uko na title just chill propably Gerald aliuzia land the guy who sold it to you but hii Kenya you never know.
Wakayama pole shemeji.
Kulisha watu hongo mapema kabla gerald arudi kenya mkienda mbele vitu ziende your way .
Huyu jirani alingoja ufike half way akurushie mtama?
If your lawyer is a competent, genuine fellow then you shouldnt be a conman’s victim, pole sana if he is the crooked kind.
You are on the right track, find the guy who sold the land to you but dont approach him, just make sure you know where he lives. Then tafta Gerald and find out what fuckery is going on, if the seller conned you tafta some mean motherfuckers and kidnap the guy, make sure you get back double what you’ve spent so far.
If the ID is a dead end go to the lands office closest to that land, ongea na guys there hautamkosa, or ask around for where brokers hang around, they are like sheep utawapata mahali moja.
another option, most of the grabbers have a way of changing details of land temporarily and then revert details to the original owner after deal goes through. If you have the title, do a search and establish if the plot reads your name or that of Gerald. kama ni jina yako, relax and continue na mjengo.
if you have a feeling you were conned, don’t wait for the worst to come. Sell the house as quickly as possible even if you won’t get any profit and dissappear like Gerald. then rushia mimi kakitu kwa mpesa
Ulijaribu kufanya transfer kwa lands kabla ya kuanza developments?Title should bear your names for the property to be yurs
Hii kenya unaweza pata original fake. He better get to the bottom of this haraka.
karibu nigongwe hivi juzi tu kule Kitale, what saved me ni neighbours…always good to involve majirani…from the look of things wewe na Gerard mtatajirisha lawyers flani
Be careful also. The guy might also be trying to play a con game and try and extort money from you using ‘Gerald’.