Siasa kali...

…kwa mazishi ya the late Grace Kipchoim…covered live on KBC.

programme ya Harusi ikifika ,holla. I hate knowing the truth that (kufa lazima tukufe)

People still watch kbc??

They are quoting bible verses, about kings etc, mentioning 2022, then cameraman anaelekeza kamera kwa Gedion, who seems uneasy.

Shhhh, sometimes when necesary bab

yes, especially if NTV is covering homecoming of a woman rep in migori. you surf them and decide which has content you can watch…

very uneasy…

You are asking and it’s obvious Gashwin is watching?

Ogiek, uko na allergy ya spelling pia?

gideon is being roasted live live by most speakers in his home area, yaani ata si mbali. Sasa akitoka Baringo?

I watch it to laugh at their news room :D:D like why is it so many colors?

Generally slow.

The claimant is a production manager of some certain show there. Keep it short. …he is a kbc employee

Semehea Padre

While swiping through channels i was shocked at how badly done the news anchors’ make up is… The face is gold/brown… The hands are black and dry :D:D:D

To be fair the person with the black hands is probably just black :D:D

Its called zebra tone. It is caused by bonoko anti-tint cosmetics.

They too are allergic to ‘makeups’.
Samehea wao.

Thread derailed.

:D:D:D:D:DNkt… Thede eno!!


Anti-tint ama bleaching? :smiley: