Si Maobi, ni ushawi

Ile siku counties like Turkana, West Pokot, Samburu, Baringo and the rest of the “marginalized” counties prioritise education and revision of their pastrolism to some more sustainable methods of rearing livestock will be the day they join the rest of the world in the 21st century and will be the first step in giving these people decent lives

Shait :D:D:D

priorities…ile pesa inamumunywa kwa hii unnecessary duplicate registration of citizens ni mingi sana so hawawezi taka iwe failure…hata heri mkufe but msikose huduma namba.I think the kenyan government sits and categorise projects into those that really benefit people and those that bring kickbacks,then they prioritise on the latter

well,that was definitely a masculine flattery

[quote=“patco, post:12, topic:189115”]

Wacha maringo nani. You have enjoyed numerous ACCUMULATIVE ADVANTAGES to get to where you are today in life unlike a Turkana boy your age.

You were born in the best place in Kenya, near a big city, near Nairobi, near regular and available food, near a peaceful environment, near a school and to educated parents… etc etc.

These fuckers to the North were marginalized by mzungu years ago. He called the place Kenya B and Kenya C because there was no value he could foresee from those arid areas. Jomo just fuatad mzungu footsteps.

Until now when oil has been discovered… now they are part of Kenya again…

If that land was given to some certain communities, ten years down the line and would be either a food basket or developed for other uses. Sometimes culture plays an important role on whether you will develop or live in ignorance. The Maasai live next to Nairobi, the kikuyu and other progressive communities, but they are still stuck in time.

Leo naona Mt. Kenya iko chonjo, glacier iko kwa wingi.

Can you please stop your ARROGANCE.

Ati you suffered under colonialism… WHEN??

Were you there? hehehe.

Mzungu invested a lot of time and resources pulling your great grandparents out of their backwardness. He did use a whip and a gun yes. He,was a fucked up, son of a bitch yes he was. But he did set you on a path to modernity.

That didn’t happen for Turkanas. Mzungu had no use for Kenya B.

And who inherited the mzungu after he left? Who took over the nice roads, the nice cities, schools… si ni nyinyi mlikuwa hapo karibu???

Whether in Nairobi, Kakamega or Mombasa.

You started your race 100 years and miles ahead of the Turkana! They stood no chance at all!!

No chance at all. Mlijigawia the good stuff zamani.


Hakuna kitu kama hio ilitokea. Ilikuwa if you were there first, it is yours. Willing buyer willing seller. Jomo grabbed the very fattest chunks. Others grabbed plots all over Nairobi going for as cheap as 50 shillings.

Others grabbed education and the opportunities that come with education. You are a beneficiary of those advantages. However small or big the advantages.

Now had you been born on the shores of Lake Turkana story ingekuwa tofauti sana. And as a Turkana, for your poverty and illiteracy you are called a lazy buffoon.

Mzee unandika nini izi surely?

Hakuna mambo na culture. As a Kikuyu when heading to Turkana you already have a secret.

You have education. You have knowledge. You have ACCUMULATIVE ADVANTAGES concerning crop production.
All the universities were built near you. The Alliance, the Mang’us etc etc.

Even by the 1920s when Delamere and Karen Blixen were settling/grabbing Kikuyu land they taught the illiterate Kikuyu laborers all manner of new agricultural techniques.

“This is how you plant coffee! This is how you prune coffee! This is how you inseminate a cow! This is a tractor!”

Turkanas had no idea. They were clueless in the bush.

By the time of independence the Kikuyu were very modern. Some even had degrees, cars, had travelled abroad.

They have no control over rains, they cannot be punished for that. However, there is no justification for people to walk their food down the road for 10 or 100 kms on an empty stomach. No one stops them from slaughtering a goat or cow for food. They have milk as well. Perhaps, sell a few animals to buy other foods.

Is it possible to be so mobile and pay taxes?
They don’t pay taxes, their wealth is not for sale but to be consumed by draught.

We need a different taxation to contain the large herds destroying the environment in the semi arid regions. Any family with over a certain number of mature animals i.e. 225 must pay a tax on any animal above the number.

What do they do with the milk from the large herds? How about the animal hides.

Talking like hakuna Maasai wala msudi hudunga biashara…urbanisation is a major factor… And it’s neglect… Wacha kuchochea na ujinga

This what I had been trying to say. Lakini wengine hawataki kusikia, they always like to play victim

@mtadao said that if Turkana land is given to Kikuyus for instance they would turn it into food,money, wealth, prosperity. Well and good.

But lets speak the truth here. We all know for a fact that if Kikuyus move to Turkana a road will follow, a dam will follow… stima will follow…


And yet the Turkana have been begging for water for close to a century now. Ukweli usemwe.

Proximity to power doesn’t hurt.

Why is Ndakaini where it is and not in Turkana County??

These are uncomfortable truths. And this is why people die in Kenyan politics.

They want a taste. With their man there at the very top, they stand a chance. Ukweli usemwe.

Ndakaini is there to supply water to fuel 75% of Kenyan wealth ie Nairobi, not to the kikuyu! The Turkana are tied down by their archaic customs not marginalisation after all there are many places in the world more hostile and people there have adapted and prospered

We have been independent for 56 years now and with all aid agencies camped in Turkana, little has changed. I repeat, people customs play a major part in moving forward the modern way. Baringo is not far from nakuru and Moi tried to force development but still some parts are still in the stone age

hehehe. Kama saa hii ni nini inazuia Turkana wapewe aquifer zao na tulishaambiwa zamani ati wako na maji mingi??!

Ni sawa mafuta chukueni, hio enyewe Gathecha alishatuma malorry zake… lakini ni sawa tu. Haidhuru. Si mwapatie tu maji roho safi…:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Ama ni juu hawapendi maji?

They are lazy and good for nothing…

Gathecha aki. Hata hao ni watoto wa Mungu.

Hii tabia ni mbaya sana. Kama saa hii najua wanachorewa vile hio maji itachotwa bila wao kujua.

Underground collector terminal.

Inyonywe yote kama imeelekea Northlands. Aki ya nani…:D:D

Mt kenya today

Ile research inafanywa saa hii wajue vile maji ya aquifer itafika Nairobi… wacha tu.

People customs huchapwa na mashule. Angalia shule za Turkana na Maasailand na Baringo na Pokot na Kilifi na Wajir na Marsabit na Isiolo and many other parts of Kenya. Kids learning inder trees. No highschools. No future. NEGLECTED.

With governors similar to the govt.

Aid is peanuts. If a leader means to change northern Kenya, he can do it. It can be done.

Kibaki sort of hinted at it with LAPSSET.

And how exactly did Moi force development in Baringo??

A place where there are virtually no roads or water. Ukiumwa na nyoka you carried by hand power for tens of km before you get to a road.