After a meeting with myself that took more than a day i have decided shylock and buying household goods is the way to go.Anyone else here who is into that business and what are the legal requirements to put up one? help a fellow talker please.
@LIEN kuja kidogo
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D How many bouncers do you have for money collection
shylock mtaani works differently from tala and branch,you have to present some electronic gadget of some value for you to get a loan,if you default your gadget is gone
Prepare to deal with cops all the time juu ya kuletewa mali ya kuibiwa all the time
I’m not discouraging you, just pointing out a risk. All the best
Kwani unachukuwa mali bila receipt iko na etr kwanza, hata Kama ni fake inatosha. Na @chriskiil unapiga msee picha akiwa na mali yake…
zile kunguni utasanya…
kuna a guy who i see in our area,you have to produce a photocopy of your id,i am not sure how that will help in case cops are brought
what if the gadget is stolen… mwenyewe akujie
It’s a good biz in ‘lower middle class’ areas of nairobi. TV yangu ya nkiwa uni niliiacha huko…hehe
After another half day meeting with himself he’s the sole bouncer and enforcer.
bouncers hawatakinani,nko na number za pamba
Copy of ID ya mwenye ameleta mali huwa a must , receipt huwa optional … if it’s stolen , you better have another identity .
Debt business in Kenya is very big and profitable .
Faking an ID is easy.
thanks man for that.feels encouraged
Kali sana ,
Convene another meeting with yourself and rescind this decision.