Shule za mababie "Daystar University"

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Rungu ya moi ikiwa branch ya mahogany

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Moses akipata updates from the cloud

Nyanya ya @maathai akikamua dinosaur.

Oi. OK. Hata mimi sijaelewa.

Lakini wako na makei kweli kuendea student campo. Wanajua maanake neno “lynch”? Na hata kama alifanya nini huyo jamaa, si kuna safer places of catching up with him?

Wakati wa handshake ya Jaramogi na Jomo Kenyatta…

Hope this wasn’t an attempt to tag me coz surely the fire and brimstone that will fall upon your ugly head Baby panya will be like the one visited upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The fuck’s going on at this shitty university? There have been shady dealings there for like two years now, I don’t understand how people keep sending their kids there.