Should Kenya Withdraw From ICC ? Please Watch Video and Vote.

It does not matter whether or not Kenya ( or any country) withdraws from the ICC. Being a signatory of the ICC means that if your local systems fail(or cannot) to prosecute a war crime, you can call them to come in and administer justice ( like Kenya did- we called them). If you are not a signatory, the ICC can still prosecute you for a war crime. Think Libya and Gadaffi. They had a warrant for him before his death yet Libya was not State Party to the Rome Statute. Neither is Sudan. Bashir has a warrant out.
Opting out of ICC is merely symbolic.

So Uasin gishu governor, jackson mandogo is saying that shiny eye politicians are using Boniface Mwangi to smear the name of Araps mashamba. He also says but in parables that if shining eyes don’t vote for Ruto in 2022 wataona moshi.

Yeah let’s withdraw from ICC…:D. In Denzel Washington’s movie “Fallen” their is a song that goes like this…“time is on my side, you will come running back x2 to me”

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We shouldn’t withdraw from ICC because these politicians will rape us in the ass if we do withdraw

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Sadly the “yes we should withdraw” is currently leading in the above poll. Tell you what though, if ICC could charge Raila with crimes against humanity tomorrow utashanga to see how those poll results will change.

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HISTORY DOES NOT FORGET: @NjonjoMue’s closing remarks at the 15th Assembly of State Parties.

This session has attempted to address the question of justice in Kenya after the ICC. I would like to remind us that our struggle for justice did not start with the ICC. We were fighting for the dignity of the Kenyan people long before the ICC came to Kenya and we will continue fighting long after it has left.

Nor is this struggle a personal fight against Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. It is against anyone who takes it upon himself to use violence to gain or retain power. We fought against Moi, we fought against Kibaki, we fought against Uhuru and Ruto and we will fight against anyone who comes after them and uses political violence as a means for attaining power.

As for the Kenya cases at the ICC, they may have gone away for now in large part due to witness intimidation and lack of state cooperation, but make no mistake, the victory of might over right is always and ever only fleeting. Augusto Pinochet and Alberto Fujimori, Charles Taylor and Hissene Habre are dead and living examples that you can delay your fate, but you cannot escape it. Justice will eventually catch up with you, because history does not forget.

I thank you.

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The political aspirations/beliefs of a Kenyan are greatly intertwined with the stand of his political god. Thus, Kikuyus are anti-ICC not because of any ideological conviction but simply because one of their political gods was tried by the court. Similarly, as one poster above has indicated, if Raila is indicted, all Luos will be anti-ICC.
The commoner lives in the fog of what he believes to be the position of his political god.
This is expected----Since many kenyans have no meaningful political beliefs, they seek identification through aligning themselves with their tribes and, expectedly, with the political gods of their tribes.
Problem is: No matter how many times you shout Uhuraila or whatever, these two live in a completely different world from yours. The super rich rarely want anything to do with commoners. The rich politicians view you as a voting robot and nothing else. After voting, they dont want anything to do with commoners.
Ironically, you will never find those rich shadowy businessmen who gain from government tenders defending the government—it is peasants who are ever making noise over the social media.
And if only Kenyans knew how the political class despise the commoner…It would take ropes to drag millions into the voting centers.
And expect next’s years turnout to be appallingly low. Kenyans are slowly realizing that there is a political class made up of old money that thinks they have some God given rights to ever rule the country…the Uhurus, the railas, the Mois and so on.
The only electoral exercise i will engage in is:
a) a referendum to do away with women reps, the senate, and reduction of constituencies to a maximum of 50. And probably 20 counties. Kenya doesn’t require more than 50 mps and @[SIZE=4]Guru [/SIZE], what has your women rep achieved for you? Each US congressman represents about 700k people as opposed to 130k people represented by a kenyan Mp - and i am not keeping in mind the layabouts in the name of nominated mps, women reps and the loafers known as senators.
California, a State with a population of 40 million and a GDP that is 40 times bigger than that of Kenya is only represented by 2 senators in the US senate. Logically, you can argue that 1 Californian senator represents 20 million people as opposed to Kenya where 1 senator represents roughly 1 million people. And this US senator, who represents 20 million people, earns ‘only’ about KES 1.5 million per month with his Kenyan counterpart earning over 1 million to represent only 1m people. Pathetic
A decent MP, male or female, will easily articulate the women’s issues together with those of the disabled. No meaningful development will take place if a huge fraction of govt’s revenue is wage bill. What for instance has this Mwaura turncoat achieved for the disabled? The principal role of an MP is legislation not fund raising and if you have average competency, you will easily represent 1 million constituents. However, the current constitution isn’t wanjiku’s constitution. It was a creation of busy bodies with special interests.
But the kenyan political class wants kenyans to wallow in the miasma of tribal pettiness so that the real truths are not exposed.


It is even pathetic that a whole nation’s international orientations can be determined by the personal tastes of 2 individuals. very irritating. Well, i guess when the peasant is caught stealing chickens, he will convince Kenyans to do away with our judicial system.
We cannot steer our country based on personal conveniences of certain individuals. If Uhuru was in trial, it wasn’t the kikuyu tribe that was in trial and kikuyus and kalenjins should stop assuming that Uhuruto’s political ambitions are their own ambitions as well .
For the seventh million time, i repeat: Uhuru wasn’t interested in presidency-----he just wanted to get out the ICC pit. But the ordinary kikuyus and kalenjins bought the hogwash peddled by the duo through some illusion called Kikuyu-Kalenjin ‘Unity’.
Going now to the bathroom whistling and SMFDH…

ICC is pointless if it takes them 10yrs to actually start a trial. I was all for our guys going to the hague immediately after PEV. But it takes clowns forever to put together a case, and if the say 24hrs is a long time in politics, what is 10yrs?!!
ICC makes no sense, if it cant act on it warrants of arrest if the accused are political figures currently. Thats why no-one can touch Bashir, regardless of where he touches down. He’s a president. Arresting him will start wars in the home-country. The only way to prosecute them is once they have been forcibly removed from power and are basically on the run.
The ICC is a great idea on paper and in a Utopian world, but currently it is just a colossal waste of time and resources. They should turn that building into international law university

Surely it is wrong to threaten an entire community with consequences if they don’t vote for you.

Mandago should be in jail.

Remember the fear of ICC scared the shit out if Kenya politicians during 2013 elections.

Ni majogoo in Kenya but out there ni kama kuku wamenyeshewa.