Wajamaa leo pia weed imeshikwa Samburu…juzi tu the highest quality of bhang(Ethiopian) worth 8M ilishikwa kasarani…this is unacceptable…tunaumia…mtaani bei imepanda…
Somebody is preparing to flood the market with some synthetic Chinese herb. Nothing happens in Kenya without a reason.
100 juja
Watashika ingine Wajir leo.
Grow your own stash.
Get a reptile to guard it.
Ambia @Tarantinoh yeye ni maffwi.
Do you mean tortoise or T-Rex
All the 3 above.
Chunga sana venye unataja T-Rex ama niambie watu vituko zako za Kaplong.
Imeshikwa Samburu wapi?
Vitisho baridi threaten purple sio mimi. Shenjiiiiiii
Melia, last warning…
@Meria Mata is under sieke by the @Makonika !!!
will drop your totoise from times tower after i pay my taxes
Isn’t that funny? More like
Dumb and Dumber: Ktalk Version S1
Now let’s try and figure out who is the dumbest.
[SIZE=1]Drags on a nyongi and drops the mike.Ara?[/SIZE]
Hiyo Supermatch C90 itakunyonga aisee.
Letea hawa ya migori, this is a niche market being created unwittingly.
Kuna thermos landing from Malawi with the best weed in the world
Some see a problem and complain. Some have already seen an opportunity to flourish.
Where can I get weed huku Ruaka?
Nishasikia Malawi has the best. Kuna prado imekamatwa huku leo. The enemies of the weed sellers are the weed sellers.