Could have posted this in the Religious section lakini mimi sioni Kama hii ni maombi. Eti ya remove your ‘pandy’ ikaombewe.
From drinking rat poison,to eating grass, kuspray-iwa doom,to being locked in the freezer…
Are these people brain-washed when they do some of this stuff?
This is why many people are leaving Christianity because it has become a joke, a circus. In Islam this devil would be killed and rightly so for sacrilege. Sad.
Imagine yourself God for a minute, yeah? You walk in a certain morning and your assistant says: “Hello God. You have four requests to neutralise rat poison. Seven to bless dirty knickers. A man put fingers in a vagina in your name he needs you to confirm it was your will. And for some reason, a man in Kenya wants you to help him make everyone acknowledge his penis.”
I’d just walk away instantly.
“Gabriel, please head down there now and kick each of these niggers in the spine”.