Ok, I will let the cat loose today. My beef with Tanzania is personal. And it’s mostly because of such people being in power there. Tell me how much people in Kenya have referred to Uhunye’s eyes and hobbies when addressing and bitterly criticizing him, then went ahead to sleep, wake up and go to work in the morning, many. Ule jamaa wa kipindu pindu is known to be proud and assertive, but he can stand criticism.
Now this fool magufool can’t let anyone criticize him
My dad died in this country under shady circumstances and let me tell you people, if by any chance under the sun I became president of this country Kenya, I would use all resources under my disposal to pluck one specific person from Tabora District. They had to transport the body to Sirare-Isibania secretly so no investigations could be done.
Ferk that shitty country. Someone said the country should be filled with water so that Mount Kilimanjaro is besides a lake. I would fill it with Sarin.