Women are good people, reuri Samidoh has become soo popular bcz of women. Kyuk women sio mchezo my fren. I never knew Samidoh. Or even any of his songs. Now I doubt there’s a 4 year old who doesn’t know him. I don’t know his songs. Ananikalianga shags modo I don’t understand what these people are fighting over ama ni Kamuti. Anyway Samidoh chafua US tour as we keep up with the Samidoh and Karenzo. Samidoh mali ya umma. Mali ya wamama.
don’t hate just love
Samidoh sadly is on a downward trend. First his new songs are shitty. They all sound the same…remember Jaguar’s song…? Yes. Something like that.
Secondly, he is a shagzmondoz who thinks he has conquered Nairobi just because he got some few coins to throw around. I don’t know but I doubt if he is making any investments with this money.
Thirdly he is ignorant and arrogant. (can’t say more).
The only true and mature new generation king of mugithi is Jose Gatutura.
I have never listened to any of his songs. Maybe I will try now. But limelite is on him now. The sooner he quiets that Nyamu lady, the better it will be for him. Otherwise he’ll go back to being a cop.
This Samidoh Karenzo story is a lot of hot air. Give it some time, and very soon it will fizzle out into nothing.
With 5 kids on each side. Karenzo will be going to see mganga wa tanga soon. Samidoh arudi box. He’s giving us a collective headache with this his Shenanigans. @Finest wine tumeenda kitui for a fundi to stop Samidoh
Hehe, mganga atachukua share ya slices
Mganga na slices ni lazima.
Lucy vibes hunifurahisha sana sana…I am in agreement with her. That Samidoh grows up owns up to having 2 wives. He is now trending for the wrong reasons and the only way is downhill.
He can’t quit her. They have kids together. The prob is not Karen or Eday. It is SAMIDOH. Unable to manage his private life…a young man who will soon be father Abraham…
Mimi wacha ningojee videos on his perfomances in the States nijifurahishe. He will mint top dollar in a short amount of time.
Yep, to be hastily consumed amid gutteral chants, a cacophony of animal noises, and a host of other shenanigans. That’ll be after the miracle sacrifice–you’ll take a completely white chicken and seven of the old large shilling coins for the hen to eat before it’s slaughtered. It’s hope you can believe in!:D:D
I dropped off after Kamaru. Can’t stand that filthy shit if I need nasty lyrics wacha niskize WAP back in the day some subtle lyrics were great. Sasa matusi ndio tulilipia kuskia
I won’t excuse him for not having it together. I mean having two women pregnant at the same time is stuff of late night rap videos. But that Nyamu lady is a character in itself. I mean, which woman have you heard go on social media to say they kulana raw ( no rubber ) with her mwk. A whole lawyer she is I might add. She’s freakin nuts. You even start to wonder how she makes her living. Who would dare retain her services as a attorney, now or in future.
If anyone is quitting it ain’t Karenzo.
But whose fault is it that Samidoh tolerates this behaviour? SAMIDOH himself. He seems to be enjoying it. Anayhoooo the mugithi culture accomodates that behaviour so he is at home.
And as long as he churns out the tunes he remains the undisputed mugithi young champ.
Wapelekane na huko. She is gunning for a seat in Nairobi, wacha tuone vile kutaenda. Mimi nangonjea Shiro wa GP tu sana sana. She arrives in the UK at the end of this month na nitakua huko frontline showcasing the complicated dance moves I have picked from her videos…
Akipata mzungu atupe bwana?
Raw is code word for baby needed. Let her ask in public.
What do you mean? you mean Shiru atupe GP? this is not her 1st trip abroad na hajamtupa even though he conceived a child with her friend during the 9 years she was struggling to conceive. Alisema she forgave him.
BTW her Mum immigrated to Bidenstan…