She Punctured ALL FOUR

This Madam got balls…Ooh! hana I want to kick them soo hard.[ATTACH=full]20569[/ATTACH]
Jana nimechelewa kufika home juu ya rain, naskia baridi then dame anakataa na vitu. In the morning naamuka kitu 9.AM napatana na hii maneno

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Next are your balls.

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1/20 incomplete hekaya, 1000 words minimum.


Transformer on its way going

Balls hawezi…

Story itacme baadaye acha nimtafute kwanza


weka full hejaya

That is what you thought about your car tyres until you came home late.

When she punctures your all two balls, please don’t come here to complain, the news on K24 will be enough for us.

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at least she didn’t burn it :D:D:D


She must be a strong believer of All BMW owners are players.

Hujatosheka? Wamtafuta umpatie your balls. If she can puncture four balls (tubes), two will be a walkover, Sema Ng’ombe kujipeleka kwenye kichinjio!

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What’s the story??

Boss, prepare for Bobbiting.

your balls on a platter

Sawa acha nione ka atarudi jioni to finish what she started.

Leta hekaya yote daddy. Anza vile ulimjua, vile mlioana utupeleke polepole hadi jana usiku. Don’t worry we are not going anywhere.


Nimevuta kiti moto.

:D:D:D:Dthis scene looks:D:Dfamiliar:D:D:D. let me reserve my comment(s)

Hii ni ujinga lakini usimfanyie chochote at the moment. Muonyeshe ukali tuu alafu umwache afikirie umemsare ndio aendelee kuringa… hii mambo ikitulia travell to Mombasa alafu mtumie watu wamtandike kama umbwa.


why do i smell a stolen picture. hii ni tabia ya watchmen/chokora when you don’t tip them. are you possibly imitating the story of the guy whose car was burnt in Rongai by PM? Me thinks its a photo you took by the road and you dont even know the real story behind it. I may be wrong though