Propakanda nini?..don’t sound like DC…
In other news …tumekosana na kijana bro…coz ni Ojinga…apotelee. …as usual nilibash hio nyangau…kumbe kijana Ojinga…:D:D
He literally put her to sleep :D. Madem huko US huwa entitled sana coz laws zote zinawa protect. Wana drama mob sana
i found it funny guz kwanza nime repeat mara kama 20 hio part ya dem kujifanya anarusha ngumi na hio kofi amekulwa . i think am a sadist :D:D:D:D:D:D
For sure she is a keeper, especially coz now she got no teeth she can suck d vizuri sana
niggas in tha hood
Bonobos tu
@Sidindi Bey aamka uone chimping chimps:D:D:D
Cheapshot to a helpless woman. You will never see videos of DINDUs competing in math contests or building things. Kazi ni violence, drugs and sex followed by chants of WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT. We need to style up.
Welcome the effects of feminism
unapigwa unazima.
ukiamka unapata dem wako amezima pia.
Why Americans will never let go of their guns. Evens the odds. Ukipatana na hawa watu hawatokangi gym wakipiga chuma wewe pia unatoa yako kwa holster.