Nimeona @MikeOck akisema Shaniqwa ni member wa Cute Boys Association. I think that’s a load of crap.
Me thinks his wife is an 8 or 9 by Kenyan standards. That means she has options. In my opinion Shaniqwa is just the average Joe kwa streets who happened to have some clout during his TV heydays.
With such women, you better have clout, looks or money and I think Shaniqwas undoing was his lack of money. Kuweka bibi anakaa hivyo bila pesa ni ngumu babaa. It comes with the territory.
Real Gs know this. That’s why they marry plain Jane 7s and then cheat on them with those 10s. Having a 10 for a wife is not a smart move utaishi na stress tuu na upate kipara kama @uwesmake .
A 6 or 7 knows that you are the best she can do so you will get away with a lot of stuff including cheating on her with a 10. Marriage ni power play buda. Whoever has more options has the leverage.
Just marry somebody you love for christ sake divorce ten times if you can till you get someone who loves you for who you are…bibi akikucheza tafuta mwingine anza maisha we are not coming back to earth. I am tired of seeing people fall into depression because of relationships
If you have only one of either looks or money, you can get 10/10 women.
However, you will struggle to keep them because they have options.
If you have only one component, get a 7 as your main and cheat on her with those 10s. It is extremely hard to keep a woman who has options, trust me. I know this from experience.
Truth is huyu Sharon ako na many chicks on his DM all too willing to bed him. A little fame in Kenya goes a long way.
He had a trophy wife who was super jealous coz she knew the dude’s MO. If thiz sharon dude angetaka kuweka hii Kunguru angeplay family man. Although still no guarantee. If I was him, I would marry a 6 and cheat with 10s.
Hauwezi kuwa famous hii kenya na uoe bibi amekuwekea standards. Na sa hizo yello yello wako 18yrs wamejaa dm wakikutumia nudes na pin za location.