They lowered the minimum amount you can send free to 49 bob. Tamaa ya fisi
Baby steps but iko siku
Hapo umekosea
Hiyo Ksh 11 ni withdrawal charges. Sending Ksh 100 and below is still FREE but only for 3 transactions per day.
Okay, why are you chargin to withdraw 50 bob, Kwani uko na tamaa aje
Yes, withdrawal has NEVER been free even during COVID-19 period
business. imagine the numbers withdrawing that amount per day
So withdrawing your own money will set you back by over 20%? This is uncurtailed greed
Safaricom target is birrionaire
Safaricon ni wezi right from day one. I would rather transact on other platforms but not mpesa fraud
Equity charges 2 bob to send 100 bob. Saf is free.
No one forces you to use Safcom. Peleka your peanuts elsewhere.
Sisi watu wa cash hatuna hizi shida
Understand your role in the rat race and you will reduce your whining