I thought Wanyama sued her a$$
Thao thao au mia mia
Just a threat …
1/ She has no money.
2/ A lot more could come out in Court … [ the fellow actually sampled that Puzz … ]
Kunguru with connections
Imagine raising your kid for 18+ years only to watch them do this ratchet shit on the internet.
Your girl just apologized to victor wanyama:D:D
Enjoy the Booty while it is still Fresh and Available …
They become very good wives when they grow older and abandon their whoring ways.
kunguru hafugiki
Avue Tuone
Disgusting body shape. In two years she will look like that Ssenga
Weeee …
Madame Ssenga is in Great Shape …
Uliza wale Ma-Boys … :D:p
There’s some friends of mine who have a youtube channel called film stylists. Shakilla was on there. She had a belly and she had what looked like a huge burn on her left shoulder. I wonder wtf happened.
Things can go left quickly for her if she’s not careful while clout chasing. I could probably meet her if I tried but at this point wouldn’t smash the person I saw in the video.