Sh110bn fake currency international crime ring sentenced 10 yrs in prison

Two men a Mohammed Sani from Niger, and Ousman Ibrahim Bako, a Cameroonian national were found in possession of paraphernalia used to make Sh110 billion worth of fake currency. They were sentenced to serve 10 years in jail for being part of a transnational fake currency ring.

Is the internal criminality driven by fraud and corruption make Kenya such a soft spot for international criminals?

In kenya if you are a criminal your life will be like what we were promised in the bible;Canaan.

Na ile safara ya weed ilipata Life in Prison?

Noma sana…

I’ve seen those fake notes… Hizo pesa look and feel real…

Jaramogi Odinga, had a political chat with Nyerere during the late 60s , they compared politics in Kenya and Tanzania, Nyerere was braging about the tolerance of his ppl. Jaramogi responded saying “BROTHER NYERERE IN TANZANIA ITS A MAN LEADING A FLOCK OF SHEEP, WHILE IN KENYA ITS A MAN LEADING A PACT OF HYENNAS, TIGERS, LIONS, WOLVES And Wild Animals.

Within a week of those discussions, the fist Bank Robery on Gun Point in East Africa took place in Nairobi, after sometimes they were apprehended but the money was not found, the case took some times , the judge was a Muzungu, he jailed the crooks for life. The following week MZEE KENYATTA in a speech blasted The judgement, stating that if u jail these crooks for life NA huku wamezika pesa kwa mchanga sii itaoza, wapigwe faini ama kifungo ndogo ili waweze ingiza hiyo pesa kwa system.

Thus thieving took an encouraging route in kenya.

As long as you are not a peasant criminal.