As some are hypnotised by the handshakes, cartels are hard at work
Gangster Nation indeed :saitan:
Kagure Kariuki is the thief. Not a surprise.
Officials and lawyers that deal with deeds are blocking the digitisation of ministry of lands. Hyenas are afraid of being forced to earn their daily bread honestly
Hakuna shida kama wameibia mzungu kwa sabubu wazungu didn’t get that land legitimetely in the first place. Its like stealing from an mpig.
Wakikuyu jameni…
Wah! Sonko plays the Robin Hood of vulnerable old property owners, but the Kagure connection suggests that he is the genius.
Hii ni system majambazi …
Can’t see shit. A navy blue background, and the letters are in black. How do i correct this
Sonko is part of the masquerade, this guy is clearly wearing a mask.
This thinking na kunguni ina mimba haina tofaauti. Doesnt make sense
System ya majambazi.
No surprises here as to the relationship between Sonko and Kagure knowing the history behind Sonko and dubious land transactions from a very young age and his incarceration at Shimo LA Tewa.
The man has been a land fraudster all along.
This is pure comedy, who else laughed while reading the saga ?
I’m pretty sure if this were to be acted in a movies, the movie would win an award.
Time we start marketing Kenya as a mine for script writers and movie producers.
Is this the same Kagure who oversaw the demolition of a house in Westland sometimes back. Siku za Kibaki?
Why don’t you use some @Common Sense
Ukiona mwanamke ana roho hivyo,jua ana blessings za wazito fulani kufanya atakavyo.Uzuri ya mzungu haogopi and will not give up
alafu hio story unaishi kwa land ya wenyewe then inakua yako how does it work? my grandma bought land somewhere in juja back in 1998 saa hio ilikua msitu but sahii its a controlled gated community but the land next to hers hajai ona mwenyewe to date, aliilima hadi akachoka, i usually tell her to go do a search on the land but hatakangi
Big up to Guy Elms for defending the wishes of his client.
We’re it a lawyer with a dark tan like you and I he would have gobbled up a bribe from the cartels and the will of his client buried with him.
Uko na itchy fingers
hio najua, but its not what i had asked hehe